clairenied15 / heart_rate_sentinel_server

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/api/status/patient #2

Closed clairenied15 closed 5 years ago

clairenied15 commented 5 years ago

I am trying to see how my code for the /api/status/patient part is working but I think there is an error in line 34 of I also wrote the to see the output of the /api/status/patient but I'm not sure that I did that correctly. Basically, I'm having trouble seeing what this part of the server is doing and where it is breaking. I think there are problems with "age = r["user_age"]" and I'm not sure why.

dward2 commented 5 years ago

Claire, your file is empty on GitHub, so I cannot check that. Please push it up.

clairenied15 commented 5 years ago

I just pushed it to the "validation" branch.

dward2 commented 5 years ago

In, the function tachycardia is called when you make a request to /api/status/patient, The first line of this function is r=request.get_json(). But, in, your function call_status sends a GET request without a JSON. So, the tachycardia function puts a NONE into the variable r. When you then try to to run the code age=r["user_age"], you get an error because NONE does not have subscripts.
So, you need to send a JSON with the GET request. In and the call_status function, define a dictionary that contains key/value pairs for user_age and heart_rate. Then, modify the GET request as follows:

r = requests.get("", json=my_dict)

where my_dict is the dictionary you created. Then, give it a try.

I'll tell you now then you will get another error. In the tachycardia function in, you return a text string. In your call_status function, you have the code answer=r.json(). But, your server doesn't return a json, it only returns a string. So, you will get an error. Change the code to be answer=r.text and you should see the appropriate result.

Give this a try and let me know if you have any further questions.

clairenied15 commented 5 years ago

I tried doing the things you said above but am now getting an error in in my line "answer = r.text()". It is saying "str object is not callable".

dward2 commented 5 years ago

Here is where parsing the error string can help. It says str object is not callable. When you call a function, you put () after the name, even if there are not parameters. The () indicates you are calling something. So, the error is saying that answer=r.text() has a str or string that you are trying to call but shouldn't.

The request object r has a property .text. It is a string property. When you put () after it, you are then trying to make a string callable, which it is not. Hence, the error.

Note that .text is a property or attribute of the object r. However, .json() is a method or function of the object r. Hence, it needs the () to call it. .text does not.

Does that make sense?

clairenied15 commented 5 years ago

Yes, thank you!