clalancette / oz

Automated installation for guest images
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Install from boot.iso doesn't work for aarch64 #236

Open dustymabe opened 7 years ago

dustymabe commented 7 years ago

oz will try to do a direct boot by downloading the kernel and initrd, if that fails then it will try to boot from a boot.iso in the install tree. Booting from a boot.iso doesn't seem to work. We check the boot.iso by looking for a kernel under /isolinux/vmlinuz, which does not appear to exist any longer in the boot.iso files we have been creating.

Here are the contents of an aarch64 boot.iso:

+[dustymabe@media mnt]$ find . 

Here are the contents of an x86_64 boot.iso:

+[dustymabe@media mnt]$ find .

Here is some snipped content from a log (from this task) where this happened:

``` dispatching a baseimg builder Creating directory (/var/tmp/koji/tasks/8375/19668375/output_image) for persistent storage No SecondaryDispatcher present - Use of secondary factories is not enabled Created file /var/tmp/koji/tasks/8375/19668375/output_image/084033e9-fc7b-45af-90b5-2bc8ecf936a1.meta Created file /var/tmp/koji/tasks/8375/19668375/output_image/084033e9-fc7b-45af-90b5-2bc8ecf936a1.body Getting metadata in class () my metadata is (()) Executing metadata in class () my metadata is (('identifier', 'data', 'template', 'icicle', 'status_detail', 'status', 'percent_complete', 'parameters', 'properties')) Saved metadata for image (084033e9-fc7b-45af-90b5-2bc8ecf936a1): {'status': 'NEW', 'identifier': '084033e9-fc7b-45af-90b5-2bc8ecf936a1', 'parameters': {'install_script': '#version=DEVEL\n# Keyboard layouts\nkeyboard \'us\'\n# Root password\nrootpw --iscrypted --lock locked\n# Use network installation\nurl --url=""\n# System language\nlang en_US.UTF-8\n# Firewall configuration\nfirewall --enabled --service=mdns\nrepo --name="koji-override-0" --baseurl=\n# Shutdown after installation\nshutdown\n# Network information\nnetwork --bootproto=dhcp --device=link --activate\n# System timezone\ntimezone US/Eastern\n# Use text mode install\ntext\n# System authorization information\nauth --useshadow --passalgo=sha512\n# Run the Setup Agent on first boot\nfirstboot --reconfig\n# SELinux configuration\nselinux --enforcing\n\n# System services\nservices --enabled="sshd,NetworkManager,chronyd,initial-setup"\n# System bootloader configuration\nbootloader --append="no_timer_check console=tty1 console=ttyS0,115200n8" --location=mbr --timeout=1\nautopart\n# Clear the Master Boot Record\nzerombr\n# Partition clearing information\nclearpart --all --initlabel --disklabel=msdos\n\n%post\n\n# Setup Raspberry Pi firmware\ncp -Pr /usr/share/bcm283x-firmware/* /boot/efi/\nmv -f /boot/efi/config-64.txt /boot/efi/config.txt\ncp -P /usr/share/uboot/rpi_3/u-boot.bin /boot/efi/rpi3-u-boot.bin\n\nreleasever=$(rpm -q --qf \'%{version}\\n\' fedora-release)\nrpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-$releasever-primary\necho "Packages within this disk image"\nrpm -qa\n# Note that running rpm recreates the rpm db files which aren\'t needed or wanted\nrm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*\n\n# remove random seed, the newly installed instance should make it\'s own\nrm -f /var/lib/systemd/random-seed\n\ndnf -y remove dracut-config-generic\n\n# Disable network service here, as doing it in the services line\n# fails due to RHBZ #1369794\n/sbin/chkconfig network off\n\n# Remove machine-id on pre generated images\nrm -f /etc/machine-id\ntouch /etc/machine-id\n\n%end\n\n%post\n\n# setup systemd to boot to the right runlevel\necho -n "Setting default runlevel to multiuser text mode"\nrm -f /etc/systemd/system/\nln -s /lib/systemd/system/ /etc/systemd/system/\necho .\n\n%end\n\n%packages\n@arm-tools\n@container-management\n@core\n@domain-client\n@hardware-support\n@headless-management\n@server-product\n@standard\nbcm283x-firmware\nchrony\ndracut-config-generic\nglibc-all-langpacks\ninitial-setup\nkernel\nlibcrypt-nss\nrng-tools\nuboot-images-armv8\n-dracut-config-rescue\n-generic-release*\n-initial-setup-gui\n-ipw*\n-iwl*\n-libcrypt\n-trousers-lib\n-uboot-images-armv7\n\n%end\n', 'offline_icicle': True}, 'icicle': None, 'data': '/var/tmp/koji/tasks/8375/19668375/output_image/084033e9-fc7b-45af-90b5-2bc8ecf936a1.body', 'status_detail': {'error': None, 'activity': 'Initializing image prior to Cloud/OS customization'}, 'template': "\n", 'percent_complete': 0, 'type': 'BaseImage', 'properties': {}} Attempting to match list target (['Fedora', '22', 'aarch64']) create_base_image() called for TinMan plugin - creating a BaseImage libvirt bridge name is virbr0 Libvirt type is kvm Starting new HTTP connection (1): "POST /compose/branched/Fedora-26-20170521.n.0/compose/Server/aarch64/os HTTP/1.1" 302 393 Name: factory-build-084033e9-fc7b-45af-90b5-2bc8ecf936a1, UUID: 1a3e330a-73f1-4223-abfb-1a84550667c6 MAC: 52:54:00:d4:10:d8, distro: Fedora update: 22, arch: aarch64, diskimage: /var/tmp/koji/tasks/8375/19668375/scratch_images/factory-build-084033e9-fc7b-45af-90b5-2bc8ecf936a1.dsk nicmodel: virtio, clockoffset: utc mousetype: ps2, disk_bus: virtio, disk_dev: vda icicletmp: /var/tmp/koji/tasks/8375/19668375/oz_data/icicletmp/factory-build-084033e9-fc7b-45af-90b5-2bc8ecf936a1, listen_port: 58197 Original ISO path: /var/tmp/koji/tasks/8375/19668375/oz_data/isos/Fedora22aarch64-url.iso Modified ISO cache: /var/tmp/koji/tasks/8375/19668375/oz_data/isos/Fedora22aarch64-url-oz.iso Output ISO path: /var/tmp/koji/tasks/8375/19668375/scratch_images/factory-build-084033e9-fc7b-45af-90b5-2bc8ecf936a1-url-oz.iso ISO content path: /var/tmp/koji/tasks/8375/19668375/oz_data/isocontent/factory-build-084033e9-fc7b-45af-90b5-2bc8ecf936a1-url Cleaning up any old Oz guest Cleaning up guest named factory-build-084033e9-fc7b-45af-90b5-2bc8ecf936a1 Generating JEOS install media Grabbing named lock (Fedora-22-aarch64-url) Got named lock (Fedora-22-aarch64-url) Installtype is URL, trying to do direct kernel boot Starting new HTTPS connection (1): "POST /compose/branched/Fedora-26-20170521.n.0/compose/Server/aarch64/os/.treeinfo HTTP/1.1" 200 1438 Going to write treeinfo to /var/tmp/koji/tasks/8375/19668375/oz_data/icicletmp/factory-build-084033e9-fc7b-45af-90b5-2bc8ecf936a1/treeinfo Trying to get treeinfo from Starting new HTTPS connection (1): "GET /compose/branched/Fedora-26-20170521.n.0/compose/Server/aarch64/os/.treeinfo HTTP/1.1" 200 1438 Got treeinfo, parsing Returning kernel images/pxeboot/vmlinuz and initrd images/pxeboot/initrd.img Attempting to get the lock for /var/tmp/koji/tasks/8375/19668375/oz_data/kernels/Fedora22aarch64-kernel Got the lock for /var/tmp/koji/tasks/8375/19668375/oz_data/kernels/Fedora22aarch64-kernel Fetching the original media Starting new HTTPS connection (1): "POST /compose/branched/Fedora-26-20170521.n.0/compose/Server/aarch64/os/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz HTTP/1.1" 200 6529431 Fetching the original install media from Starting new HTTPS connection (1): "GET /compose/branched/Fedora-26-20170521.n.0/compose/Server/aarch64/os/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz HTTP/1.1" 200 6529431 15252kB of 6376kB Could not do direct boot, fetching boot.iso instead (the following error message is useful for bug reports, but can be ignored) Expected to download 6529431 bytes, downloaded 15618560 Generating install media Attempting to get the lock for /var/tmp/koji/tasks/8375/19668375/oz_data/isos/Fedora22aarch64-url.iso Got the lock for /var/tmp/koji/tasks/8375/19668375/oz_data/isos/Fedora22aarch64-url.iso Fetching the original media Starting new HTTPS connection (1): "POST /compose/branched/Fedora-26-20170521.n.0/compose/Server/aarch64/os/images/boot.iso HTTP/1.1" 200 450578432 Fetching the original install media from Starting new HTTPS connection (1): "GET /compose/branched/Fedora-26-20170521.n.0/compose/Server/aarch64/os/images/boot.iso HTTP/1.1" 200 450578432 10240kB of 440018kB 20480kB of 440018kB 30720kB of 440018kB 40960kB of 440018kB 51200kB of 440018kB 61440kB of 440018kB 71680kB of 440018kB 81920kB of 440018kB 92160kB of 440018kB 102400kB of 440018kB 112640kB of 440018kB 122880kB of 440018kB 133120kB of 440018kB 143360kB of 440018kB 153600kB of 440018kB 163840kB of 440018kB 174080kB of 440018kB 184320kB of 440018kB 194560kB of 440018kB 204800kB of 440018kB 215040kB of 440018kB 225280kB of 440018kB 235520kB of 440018kB 245760kB of 440018kB 256000kB of 440018kB 266240kB of 440018kB 276480kB of 440018kB 286720kB of 440018kB 296960kB of 440018kB 307200kB of 440018kB 317440kB of 440018kB 327680kB of 440018kB 337920kB of 440018kB 348160kB of 440018kB 358400kB of 440018kB 368640kB of 440018kB 378880kB of 440018kB 389120kB of 440018kB 399360kB of 440018kB 409600kB of 440018kB 419840kB of 440018kB 430080kB of 440018kB 440018kB of 440018kB Copying ISO contents for modification Setting up guestfs handle for factory-build-084033e9-fc7b-45af-90b5-2bc8ecf936a1 Adding ISO image /var/tmp/koji/tasks/8375/19668375/oz_data/isos/Fedora22aarch64-url.iso Launching guestfs Mounting ISO Checking if there is enough space on the filesystem Extracting ISO contents Cleaning up old ISO data Releasing named lock (Fedora-22-aarch64-url) Removed builder from BuildDispatcher on notification from image 084033e9-fc7b-45af-90b5-2bc8ecf936a1: FAILED Getting metadata in class () my metadata is (()) Executing metadata in class () my metadata is (('identifier', 'data', 'template', 'icicle', 'status_detail', 'status', 'percent_complete', 'parameters', 'properties')) Saved metadata for image (084033e9-fc7b-45af-90b5-2bc8ecf936a1): {'status': 'FAILED', 'identifier': '084033e9-fc7b-45af-90b5-2bc8ecf936a1', 'parameters': {'install_script': '#version=DEVEL\n# Keyboard layouts\nkeyboard \'us\'\n# Root password\nrootpw --iscrypted --lock locked\n# Use network installation\nurl --url=""\n# System language\nlang en_US.UTF-8\n# Firewall configuration\nfirewall --enabled --service=mdns\nrepo --name="koji-override-0" --baseurl=\n# Shutdown after installation\nshutdown\n# Network information\nnetwork --bootproto=dhcp --device=link --activate\n# System timezone\ntimezone US/Eastern\n# Use text mode install\ntext\n# System authorization information\nauth --useshadow --passalgo=sha512\n# Run the Setup Agent on first boot\nfirstboot --reconfig\n# SELinux configuration\nselinux --enforcing\n\n# System services\nservices --enabled="sshd,NetworkManager,chronyd,initial-setup"\n# System bootloader configuration\nbootloader --append="no_timer_check console=tty1 console=ttyS0,115200n8" --location=mbr --timeout=1\nautopart\n# Clear the Master Boot Record\nzerombr\n# Partition clearing information\nclearpart --all --initlabel --disklabel=msdos\n\n%post\n\n# Setup Raspberry Pi firmware\ncp -Pr /usr/share/bcm283x-firmware/* /boot/efi/\nmv -f /boot/efi/config-64.txt /boot/efi/config.txt\ncp -P /usr/share/uboot/rpi_3/u-boot.bin /boot/efi/rpi3-u-boot.bin\n\nreleasever=$(rpm -q --qf \'%{version}\\n\' fedora-release)\nrpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-$releasever-primary\necho "Packages within this disk image"\nrpm -qa\n# Note that running rpm recreates the rpm db files which aren\'t needed or wanted\nrm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*\n\n# remove random seed, the newly installed instance should make it\'s own\nrm -f /var/lib/systemd/random-seed\n\ndnf -y remove dracut-config-generic\n\n# Disable network service here, as doing it in the services line\n# fails due to RHBZ #1369794\n/sbin/chkconfig network off\n\n# Remove machine-id on pre generated images\nrm -f /etc/machine-id\ntouch /etc/machine-id\n\n%end\n\n%post\n\n# setup systemd to boot to the right runlevel\necho -n "Setting default runlevel to multiuser text mode"\nrm -f /etc/systemd/system/\nln -s /lib/systemd/system/ /etc/systemd/system/\necho .\n\n%end\n\n%packages\n@arm-tools\n@container-management\n@core\n@domain-client\n@hardware-support\n@headless-management\n@server-product\n@standard\nbcm283x-firmware\nchrony\ndracut-config-generic\nglibc-all-langpacks\ninitial-setup\nkernel\nlibcrypt-nss\nrng-tools\nuboot-images-armv8\n-dracut-config-rescue\n-generic-release*\n-initial-setup-gui\n-ipw*\n-iwl*\n-libcrypt\n-trousers-lib\n-uboot-images-armv7\n\n%end\n', 'offline_icicle': True}, 'icicle': None, 'data': '/var/tmp/koji/tasks/8375/19668375/output_image/084033e9-fc7b-45af-90b5-2bc8ecf936a1.body', 'status_detail': {'error': 'Fedora/Red Hat installs can only be done using a boot.iso (netinst) or DVD image (LiveCDs are not supported)', 'activity': 'Base Image build failed with exception.'}, 'template': "\n", 'percent_complete': 0, 'type': 'BaseImage', 'properties': {}} Exception encountered in _build_image_from_template thread Fedora/Red Hat installs can only be done using a boot.iso (netinst) or DVD image (LiveCDs are not supported) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/imgfac/", line 132, in _build_image_from_template self.os_plugin.create_base_image(self, template, parameters) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/imagefactory_plugins/TinMan/", line 327, in create_base_image self.threadsafe_generate_install_media(self.guest) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/imagefactory_plugins/TinMan/", line 431, in threadsafe_generate_install_media guest.generate_install_media(force_download=False) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oz/", line 684, in generate_install_media customize_or_icicle) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oz/", line 1846, in _iso_generate_install_media self._check_iso_tree(customize_or_icicle) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/oz/", line 102, in _check_iso_tree raise oz.OzException.OzException("Fedora/Red Hat installs can only be done using a boot.iso (netinst) or DVD image (LiveCDs are not supported)") OzException: Fedora/Red Hat installs can only be done using a boot.iso (netinst) or DVD image (LiveCDs are not supported) ABORT called in TinMan plugin Domain not found: no domain with matching name 'factory-build-084033e9-fc7b-45af-90b5-2bc8ecf936a1' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/imagefactory_plugins/TinMan/", line 245, in abort guest_dom = self.guest.libvirt_conn.lookupByName( File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/", line 4227, in lookupByName if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainLookupByName() failed', conn=self) libvirtError: Domain not found: no domain with matching name 'factory-build-084033e9-fc7b-45af-90b5-2bc8ecf936a1' No Oz VM found with name (factory-build-084033e9-fc7b-45af-90b5-2bc8ecf936a1) - nothing to do This likely means the local VM has already been destroyed or never started Resetting dropped connection: "POST /kojihub?session-id=29752028&session-key=3801-nu41rNcUviwcVkcusfw&callnum=8 HTTP/1.1" 200 114 ```
clalancette commented 7 years ago

Hm, interesting. So x86_64 does have isolinux/vmlinuz, but aarch64 does not. Any thoughts on where aarch64 gets the compressed kernel image from by default? Is it ./images/pxeboot/vmlinuz , or is it somehow embedded somewhere else?

dustymabe commented 7 years ago

Is it ./images/pxeboot/vmlinuz

i believe so. at least that is what the treeinfo is telling us to use:

boot.iso = images/boot.iso
efiboot.img = images/efiboot.img
initrd = images/pxeboot/initrd.img
kernel = images/pxeboot/vmlinuz

which means that's what we are grabbing for the direct boot case anyways