clamsproject / clams-python

CLAMS SDK for python
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support for "map" typed runtime parameter #197

Open keighrim opened 6 months ago

keighrim commented 6 months ago

New Feature Summary

We have seen a use case of passing a nested key-value pairs as a single (string) value to a runtime parameter. And then, we are currently working on a generalized stitcher implementation in the SDK (, that will most likely to require some parameterized label "remapping" dict.

The string values for these parameters would then be internally parsed into hashmap/dict data structures to be used for document processing. So this issue is to discuss provisioning of SDK-level APIs to support such map-typed, string-valued runtime parameter with somewhat predictable common behaviors.


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keighrim commented 6 months ago

tl; dr

All we need is two special characters to build a notation for the standardized string syntax that can be parsed as a dict in python. However, our interfaces (URL or shell CLI) pose lots of constraints on choosing those two. My proposal is at the bottom, but very open to more suggestions. Especially I want to hear input from @owencking as he's our primary user.

Here's an early implementation (by @snewman-aa with some help from @kelleyl IIRC) without a standardized handling of such a parameter;

Specifically, the query parameter is used to pass a prompt string (for an LLM) and a short label string to save the results in the output MMIF. For example, a user can ask "images with one or two person closed up in the middle and have dense text overlay in the bottom third of the image" and annotate all the "found" images as a chyron-labeled TimePoint.

Notation-wise, this implementation is using@ to delimit the prompt string and the label string, then taking advantage of multivalued=True configuration of the parameter to allow two or more prompt-label pairs. Hence in practice, the URL for asking for chyron annotation (the example above) will be ;

$ curl --some --options \

Or since the long string is a part of the URL query string, we can use + to escape spaces (for a little better readability, lucky us!).

$ curl --some --options \

And finally, when a user wants multiple labeling at the same time, for example,

$ curl --some --options \

Some lessons from this early implementation;

So I did some research on possible options, and here is some additional information to consider

Given all that, my train of thought:

So finally, I'm proposing

  1. use : to delimit between a key and a value:
    1. : is not a unsafe URL character, and has no special meaning other than the hostname:port delimiter
    2. : is so universally perceived as k-v delimiter in the primary languages we use (python and json)
    3. dealing legacy colons in SWT is an app specific issue
  2. force multivalued=True for all type="map" parameters, and let users send multiple k-v pairs calling it repetitively.

And some fictional examples of SWT "postbin" parameterization under the proposal

  1. as HTTP request
    # note colons in subtype labels are simply "collapsed" (S:H >> SH)
    $ clams source SOME_INPUT_SPEC | curl -d@- "http:localhost:5001?minFrameCount=5&labelbin=B:bars&labelbin=S:slated&labelbin=SH:slate&labelbin=SC:slate&labelbin=SD:slate&labelbin=SG:slate&labelbin=I:chyron&labelbin=N:chyron&labelbin=Y:chyron&labelbin=C:credit&labelbin=R:credits"
    # and of course, users aren't required to pass this long url all the time, since we will have reasonable default values for the `labelbin` param. 
  2. as Python CLI
    # `labelbin` flag can take `?` number of arguments (
    $ clams source SOME_INPUT_SPEC | python --minFrameCount 5 --labenbin S:slate SH:slate SC:slate SD:slate SG:slate I:chyron N:chyron Y:chyron C:credit R:credits
owencking commented 6 months ago

First, I agree 100% about using : to delimit keys and values. If that entails not supporting : in things like SWT labels, then we probably shouldn't include : within labels!

(In general, I favor restricting label names to concatenations of "unreserved" characters listed above (from RFC 3986, sec 2.3), with the possible exceptions of ~ and .. But that's a question for another time.)

As for the way to pass multiple parameters. Yes, I think doing it as multivalued makes sense. (If it were possible to pass a string that could be immediately parsed as JSON or a Python dict, then that would be nice. However, as a practical matter, we'll need to put quotes around the strings before we can use them. So, some pre-processing will be required.) The multivalued solution is elegant.

One additional wrinkle -- maybe a difficult one. We might need even more structure. For parameterizing binning, we might need to associate a key with a set of values, for example to express this kind of structure:

'post': {
  'bars': ['B'],
  'slate': ['S', 'S:H', 'S:C', 'S:D', 'S:G'],
  'opening': ['W', 'O', 'M'],
  'chyron': ['I', 'N', 'Y'],
  'credits':['C', 'R']   

I think , would be a very natural separator for multiple values. However, Keigh, you said

And then for , characters, I think they are very likely to be used in natural language-based keys or values. So I want to avoid using any common natural language punctuations.

Yes, I can imagine NLP apps where it'd be nice to use a comma within the value of some parameter. But (1) we are already giving up one common punctuation mark with :, and (2) maybe those sorts of natural language string value parameters make the most sense for top-level arguments, not within these structured "map" type arguments. So, maybe it would be okay to use , to delimit parts of these mappy things.

keighrim commented 6 months ago

Regarding the nested list parameters, for the time being I think confining all possible data types on the SDK level might not work on scale. We can still keep a minimum confinement of syntax and parser for string-to-string map within the SDK, and leave more complex data passing to app developers. For example, with the example above, the app developer can add additional parameter specification (well-documented in the app metadata ideally) that can handle comma separated strings for a list-type value. Concretely, users can use a URL like this


and then the SDK will pass this dict to app code;

  "post": {
    "bars": "B",
    "slate": "S,SH,SC,SD,SG",
    "opening": "W,O,M",
    "chyron": "I,N,Y",
    "credits": "C,R"
  ... # more params

Then app developer can add extra process to parse the string values into lists.

post_final = {}
for k, v in params['post']:
    post_final[k] = v.split(',')

In short, defining only string-to-string mapping at the SDK doesn't block app developers to implement their own more complex data types.

afred commented 6 months ago

@keighrim is it possible to have the CLAMS apps receive both runtime params and MMIF in the same object? Something like...

    "parameters": {
        "post": {
            "bars": ["B"],
            "slate": [ "S", "SH" ,"SC", "SD", "SG" ],
            "opening": [ "W", "O", "M" ],
            "chyron": [ "I", "N", "Y" ],
            "credits": ["C", "R"]
        "speed": "88 mph",
        "gigawatts": 1.21,
        "fluxCapacitor": true
    "MMIF" : {
        /* all the glorious MMIF */
keighrim commented 6 months ago

We actually had something very similar with that for parameter passing method in our previous project (LAPPSgrid), but we changed the way in CLAMS since adding that "wrapper" json around MMIF will almost certainly requires users to use some additional piece of software to generate that non-MMIF json at the runtime. For example, with the current (pure) MMIF-in, MMIF-out method, and given the apps are running as (micro) web services here and there, users can simply chain-call them to create a simple CLAMS pipeline

cat EXISTING_MMIF.mmif | curl -d@- -s http://app1:8080 | curl -d@- -s "http://localhost:8001?p1=v1" | curl -d@- -d "http://remote-app3:5555?param=value&more_param=more_value" > final_output.mmif 

But if the apps take a MMIF wrapper JSON, users might have to do something like this;

cat EXISTING_MMIF.mmif | wrap_mmif --flag-for-empty-param | curl -d@- -s http://app1:8080 | wrap_mmif --p1-flag v1-value | curl -d@- -s http://localhost:8001 | wrap_mmif --flags for --many params | curl -d@- -d http://remote-app3:5555 > final_output.mmif 

And in the LAPPS project, one of "utilities" that our team provided for users was the wrapper tool, but we realized it added not only a fair amount of maintenance cost for us, but also additional discipline and confusion to users. In fact, the utility for that "wrapping" weren't even a single CLI app but a stack of java APIs, groovy-based DSL, and precompiled interpreter binary, so users had to write actual a code file instead of a shell script of chained curls, to allow direct encoding of complex, fully json-compatible data types (also all LAPPS webservices weren't pure HTTP, but all SOAP).

That being said, we can maybe provide an additional route option to users for that wrapped non-MMIF input. That would requires

And I believe that should be a separate issue for future development.

keighrim commented 4 months ago

I created a new issue on the topic of passing parameters as a JSON object (instead of string maps), as it should be discussed in a broader context, not just for map-typed params.

keighrim commented 4 months ago

One more thing I'd like to address before closing this issue: in the current implementation, : character being used as delimiter blocked users and developers from using the same character inside a label. However we can still implement the parameter parser to be quotation-sensitive, so that users can pass "enclosed" strings with colon characters in them, just like how commas are handled in the CSV format.

For example, right now with SWT mapping, one can't use the original "sub"-labels

# this doesn't work!

But we can upgrade the parameter parser to allow usage of colons when the values are properly quoted,

# these should be allowed

Still remain to decide;

  1. single quotes, double quotes, or both?
  2. it is not actually trivial to understand (for non-technical users) what is "proper" quotation, so documentation is critical.