apple m1 cargo build failed: LLVM ERROR: Global variable '_ZN12node_runtime1_16SECTION_CONTENTS17h28c19e8d9889aa72E' has an invalid section specifier 'runtime_version': mach-o section specifier requires a segment and section separated by a comma. #104
apple m1 cargo build failed:
LLVM ERROR: Global variable '_ZN12node_runtime1_16SECTION_CONTENTS17h28c19e8d9889aa72E' has an invalid section specifier 'runtime_version': mach-o section specifier requires a segment and section separated by a comma.
but when we use cargo build --release,it successed
apple m1 cargo build failed: LLVM ERROR: Global variable '_ZN12node_runtime1_16SECTION_CONTENTS17h28c19e8d9889aa72E' has an invalid section specifier 'runtime_version': mach-o section specifier requires a segment and section separated by a comma.
but when we use cargo build --release,it successed