clap-rs / clap

A full featured, fast Command Line Argument Parser for Rust
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No way to accept unbounded number of a custom formatted values that starts with a hyphen #4283

Open lukehsiao opened 1 year ago

lukehsiao commented 1 year ago

Please complete the following tasks

Rust Version

rustc 1.64.0 (a55dd71d5 2022-09-19)

Clap Version


Minimal reproducible code

use std::path::PathBuf;

use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
use clap::Parser;

#[derive(Debug, clap::Parser)]
#[command(version, about)]
pub struct Opt {
    /// Input file
    #[arg(short, long)]
    pub input: Option<PathBuf>,

    /// Allow a series of potentially hyphenated values
    #[arg(required = true, allow_hyphen_values = true, num_args(1..), value_parser = choice)]
    pub choices: Vec<Choice>,

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Choice {
    pub content: String,

pub fn choice(src: &str) -> Result<Choice> {

    if src.contains('i') {
        return Err(anyhow!("Why are we parsing the flag?"));

    Ok(Choice {
        content: src.to_string(),

fn main() {
    let opt = Opt::parse();

Steps to reproduce the bug with the above code

cargo run -- -3 -i test/file.png

Actual Behaviour

This is both in v3 and v4 with Arg::allow_hyphen_values

✦ ❯ cargo run -- -3 -i test/file.png
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.01s
     Running `target/debug/demo -3 -i test/file.png`
[src/] src = "-3"
[src/] src = "-i"
error: Invalid value "-i" for '<CHOICES>...': Why are we parsing the flag?

For more information try '--help'

Expected Behaviour

With clap v3 and Command::allow_hyphen_values, this parsed correctly as -3 as a positional value, and -i test/file.png as an option.

Also note that using allow_negative_numbers is not a solution here, as sometimes the values may be things like -3:-4.

Additional Context

NOTE: If a positional argument has allow_hyphen_values and is followed by a known flag, it will be treated as a flag (see trailing_var_arg for consuming known flags). If an option has allow_hyphen_values and is followed by a known flag, it will be treated as the value for the option.

This issue seems to go against the documentation. Here, we have a positional argument followed by a known flag, but, the flag is NOT treated as a flag, and instead causes an unexpected parsing error.

This behavior is the same whether or not I add trailing_var_arg = false to the positional arg.

Debug Output

❯ cargo run -- -3 -i test/file.png
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.02s
     Running `target/debug/demo -3 -i test/file.png`
[      clap::builder::command]  Command::_do_parse
[      clap::builder::command]  Command::_build: name="demo"
[      clap::builder::command]  Command::_propagate:demo
[      clap::builder::command]  Command::_check_help_and_version:demo expand_help_tree=false
[      clap::builder::command]  Command::long_help_exists
[      clap::builder::command]  Command::_check_help_and_version: Building default --help
[      clap::builder::command]  Command::_check_help_and_version: Building default --version
[      clap::builder::command]  Command::_propagate_global_args:demo
[clap::builder::debug_asserts]  Command::_debug_asserts
[clap::builder::debug_asserts]  Arg::_debug_asserts:input
[clap::builder::debug_asserts]  Arg::_debug_asserts:choices
[clap::builder::debug_asserts]  Arg::_debug_asserts:help
[clap::builder::debug_asserts]  Arg::_debug_asserts:version
[clap::builder::debug_asserts]  Command::_verify_positionals
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::get_matches_with
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::get_matches_with: Begin parsing 'RawOsStr("-3")' ([45, 51])
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::possible_subcommand: arg=Ok("-3")
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::get_matches_with: sc=None
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::parse_short_arg: short_arg=ShortFlags { inner: RawOsStr("3"), utf8_prefix: CharIndices { front_offset: 0, iter: Chars(['3']) }, invalid_suffix: None }
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::parse_short_args: positional at 1 allows hyphens
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::get_matches_with: After parse_short_arg MaybeHyphenValue
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::get_matches_with: Positional counter...1
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::get_matches_with: Low index multiples...false
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::get_matches_with: Begin parsing 'RawOsStr("-i")' ([45, 105])
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::parse_short_arg: short_arg=ShortFlags { inner: RawOsStr("i"), utf8_prefix: CharIndices { front_offset: 0, iter: Chars(['i']) }, invalid_suffix: None }
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::parse_short_args: prior arg accepts hyphenated values
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::get_matches_with: After parse_short_arg MaybeHyphenValue
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::get_matches_with: Positional counter...1
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::get_matches_with: Low index multiples...false
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::get_matches_with: Begin parsing 'RawOsStr("test/file.png")' ([116, 101, 115, 116, 47, 102, 105, 108, 101, 46, 112, 110, 103])
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::get_matches_with: Positional counter...1
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::get_matches_with: Low index multiples...false
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::resolve_pending: id="choices"
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::react action=Append, identifier=Some(Index), source=CommandLine
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::remove_overrides: id="choices"
[   clap::parser::arg_matcher]  ArgMatcher::start_custom_arg: id="choices", source=CommandLine
[      clap::builder::command]  Command::groups_for_arg: id="choices"
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::push_arg_values: ["-3", "-i", "test/file.png"]
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::add_single_val_to_arg: cur_idx:=1
[src/] src = "-3"
[        clap::parser::parser]  Parser::add_single_val_to_arg: cur_idx:=2
[src/] src = "-i"
[      clap::builder::command]  Command::color: Color setting...
[      clap::builder::command]  Auto
[      clap::builder::command]  Command::color: Color setting...
[      clap::builder::command]  Auto
error: Invalid value "-i" for '<CHOICES>...': Why are we parsing the flag?

For more information try '--help'
epage commented 1 year ago

I've reduced the reproduction case down to:

#!/usr/bin/env -S rust-script

//! ```cargo
//! [dependencies]
//! clap = { version = "4", features = ["derive"] }
//! ```

use std::path::PathBuf;

use clap::Parser;

#[derive(Debug, clap::Parser)]
#[clap(version, about)]
pub struct Opt {
    /// Input file
    #[clap(short, long)]
    pub input: Option<PathBuf>,

    /// Allow a series of potentially hyphenated values
    #[clap(required = true, allow_hyphen_values = true)]
    pub choices: Vec<String>,

fn main() {
    let opt = Opt::parse();
epage commented 1 year ago

Switching to clap 3 produces the same result

#!/usr/bin/env -S rust-script

//! ```cargo
//! [dependencies]
//! clap = { version = "3", features = ["derive"] }
//! ```

use std::path::PathBuf;

use clap::Parser;

#[derive(Debug, clap::Parser)]
#[clap(version, about)]
pub struct Opt {
    /// Input file
    #[clap(short, long)]
    pub input: Option<PathBuf>,

    /// Allow a series of potentially hyphenated values
    #[clap(required = true, allow_hyphen_values = true)]
    pub choices: Vec<String>,

fn main() {
    let opt = Opt::parse();
[] opt = Opt {
    input: None,
    choices: [

However, if I switch to Command::allow_hyphen_values, it works as reported

#!/usr/bin/env -S rust-script

//! ```cargo
//! [dependencies]
//! clap = { version = "3", features = ["derive"] }
//! ```

use std::path::PathBuf;

use clap::Parser;

#[derive(Debug, clap::Parser)]
#[clap(version, about)]
#[clap(allow_hyphen_values = true)]
pub struct Opt {
    /// Input file
    #[clap(short, long)]
    pub input: Option<PathBuf>,

    /// Allow a series of potentially hyphenated values
    #[clap(required = true)]
    pub choices: Vec<String>,

fn main() {
    let opt = Opt::parse();
[] opt = Opt {
    input: Some(
    choices: [
lukehsiao commented 1 year ago

However, if I switch to Command::allow_hyphen_values, it works as reported

My apologies on the incomplete report. We were actually using #[clap(setting = clap::AppSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen)] with clap v3, which was working. I believe this is similar to Command::allow_hyphen_values. Either way, your minimum reproduction case is much more minimal and shows the issue :).

(Plus, I learned about #!/usr/bin/env -S rust-script, so thanks!)

epage commented 1 year ago

My apologies on the incomplete report. We were actually using #[clap(setting = clap::AppSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen)] with clap v3, which was working. I believe this is similar to Command::allow_hyphen_values. Either way, your minimum reproduction case is much more minimal and shows the issue :).

Yes, they are the same thing.

(Plus, I learned about #!/usr/bin/env -S rust-script, so thanks!)

I'm actually using a fork that exists for the purpose of creating an RFC

epage commented 1 year ago

Hmm, looks like we had a test specifically for the "broken" behavior in clap 3. This is going to take some digging to unwind all of this

fn leading_hyphen_with_flag_after() {
    let r = Command::new("mvae")
            arg!(o: -o <opt> "some opt")
        .arg(arg!(f: -f "some flag").action(ArgAction::SetTrue))
        .try_get_matches_from(vec!["", "-o", "-2", "-f"]);
    assert!(r.is_ok(), "{}", r.unwrap_err());
    let m = r.unwrap();
            .map(|v| v.as_str())
        &["-2", "-f"]
    assert!(!*m.get_one::<bool>("f").expect("defaulted by clap"));
epage commented 1 year ago

So consuming the flag after has been the behavior since the arg-specific setting was introduced in #755

4187 changed some of the behavior in 4.0.0 and is what is responsible for the documentation change to what is quoted in the issue.

epage commented 1 year ago discusses the motivation for the design in #755

In #4187, what I fixed was when you have the flag before the positional (-i test/file.png -3), it still left -3 -i test/file.png as-is.

epage commented 1 year ago

In 7a2bbca62bf245970866d3de76293de435dc8dbe, we had a check for self.cmd.is_allow_hyphen_values_set() and if the short was known. I think this was the logic that wasn't mirrored over into the arg-specific version, replacing the logic for checking if the last seen arg supported hyphen values.

epage commented 1 year ago

So the rules as of today

At the moment, I'm leaning towards this being a documentation bug rather than a behavior bug or feature request.

lukehsiao commented 1 year ago

At the moment, I'm leaning towards this being a documentation bug rather than a behavior bug or feature request.

This is reasonable.

It would "break" the cli of choose if they adopt clap v4, so, selfishly, I'd vote that this become a supported feature as it was possible with structopt and clap v3, but also understand not wanting to.

That said, if a documentation change turns out to be the plan, I'd suggest changing both the docs linked above on allow_hyphen_values and other references like which suggest a known short flag would be treated differently then a hyphen-value.

epage commented 1 year ago

If I'm understanding choices situation, you are using negative numbers but there is additional syntax so the "allow negative numbers" feature doesn't work for it?

lukehsiao commented 1 year ago

If I'm understanding choices situation, you are using negative numbers but there is additional syntax so the "allow negative numbers" feature doesn't work for it?

Correct, they can also be things like -3:-2, where the colon messes things up.

epage commented 1 year ago

Something I've been considering is generalizing allow_negative_numbers to asking the ValueParser whether the value "looks correct".

The issues to work out

lukehsiao commented 1 year ago

That does sound interesting!

I'm no clap expert, so to double check, it is not possible to get the behavior I want in clap v4 by implementing a TypedValueParser, right?

epage commented 1 year ago

At the moment, it is not. I have re-worked the issue for being focused on restoring your use case, somehow, including possibly the TypedValueParser route.

Another interesting angle to include in this is that when we are parsing, we try to capture up to the max for num_args. If we instead capture up to the min for num_args and then check the TypedValueParser for anything else, this will

lukehsiao commented 1 year ago

Got it. Thank you for the triaging and explanations :)