clapfoot / warapi

The War API allows developers to query information about the state of the current Foxhole war.
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Feature Request: (Time,Position) Data for past wars. #41

Open TauZeph opened 5 years ago

TauZeph commented 5 years ago

I'm hopeful for this primarily because the watch towers and radio seem to track this already... Position data of players for past wars, would allow us to recreate battles and flow of people on the maps. (Could also analyze things like average distances traveled, etc.)

Imagine a data set like this: For t= 0:30minutes:WarEndTime Player#|Pos|Affiliation|

Player# would just be something to track each time a distinct individual joins. eg. At the beginning of the war, 140 people join a map, they get numbers 1 to 140. A player leaves and a new one joins, the new one is assigned 141. So on.

ghost commented 5 years ago

I'm not a developer but being someone who uses this API and has seen the changes and talked with peeps who have used the foxhole api for a long time, such as Hayden. I honestly doubt this will ever happen for 3 main reasons:

1. All of the features of the API are based on one principle: anyone, in either warden or colonial faction, can access this information, no matter their location. These includes pretty much every single icon BUT FOBs and pretty much any structures that doesn't need a CV to be built. If this hasn't been cleared enough, let me give you an example: When you open your map in the home region, you can click in any map and know which towns have been taken and which not. Everyone has access to this information, so we can considered this to be public. (This is why one of the endpoints is dynamic/public) However you do not have access to faction locked intel, such as friendly position or FOBs location since only 1 faction has access to this kind of information. Thus, not making it public.

2. A few months we used to have access to each map population but the devs removed it so adding this feature will contradict the devs' decision.

3. Your idea, although really cool, it has some critical problems. If you can trace each individual position, you can easily know which town is the least defended which allows for easier pushes that normally shouldn't happen. Also, in one word, spies.

Just because of these doesn't mean it will never happen, all you need to do is refine your idea and make sure it fits with the overall purpose of this API.

TauZeph commented 5 years ago


Thank you for your input. I reiterate that this is for past wars - Ie. wars that have already been completed. This means that all points (1,2,3) in your reply are not applicable.

hayden-t commented 5 years ago

This is a nice suggestion, there's lots of things that would be good, its just a matter of time and dialog/suggestions to get things in, I will just say though that this place (git issues) is best for just dialog with other users as far as i know, i dont think the devs read them and ive never been replied too. The best way to get a suggestion considered is to talk about it in discord with some other users and then once it you feel it is fleshed out enough mention it in suggestions channel or code-talk or direct with a kfc.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Yeah, my bad then. I didn't read your suggestion properly and for that I apologize.