clarete / hackernews.el

Hacker News client for Emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Keep track of visited links #33

Closed basil-conto closed 6 years ago

basil-conto commented 6 years ago

It would be nice to:


accidentalrebel commented 6 years ago

I like the idea.

If no one is working on this then I'd be willing to take it on.

clarete commented 6 years ago

It would be lovely if you did @accidentalrebel!! Thank you! \o/

accidentalrebel commented 6 years ago

I might not be able to work on this anytime soon. If anyone wants to take this on then please do!

basil-conto commented 6 years ago

No worries @accidentalrebel, thanks for the interest and letting us know!

matthew-piziak commented 6 years ago

I've never contributed to an Emacs package before, but if you'd be kind enough to guide me I'd like to take a crack at it.

As far as I can see this requires three components:

  1. Add a "save ID" action to the button handler for articles and comments.
  2. Store these saved IDs in an acceptable user-local place. (What is the standard place to save small user-facing lists? I'm guessing that making a database is overkill, and that adding a customize field in the .emacs file is impolite.)
  3. Fix up the link faces based on which IDs are saved.

I'm looking for an answer to question 2. I think I have an idea of how to do the rest, provided I can ask questions if I get stuck.

basil-conto commented 6 years ago

I've never contributed to an Emacs package before, but if you'd be kind enough to guide me I'd like to take a crack at it.

Thanks for your interest! I'll gladly help however I can, but how useful that will be remains to be seen. :)

What is the standard place to save small user-facing lists?

Anywhere under user-emacs-directory is fine, so long as the file name is customisable via a user option (defcustom); see (elisp) Standard File Names. I recommend littering user-emacs-directory as little as possible by default, e.g. by placing the "database" under a hidden directory such as ~/.emacs.d/.hackernews/visited. See also the commentary of

I'm guessing that making a database is overkill

I think so. A quick test shows that writing a list of a million fixnums to a file takes ~0.5s and 6.7MB, and reading it back takes ~0.2s on my system. It would, nevertheless, be nice to look into which, if any, built-in packages and data structures Emacs provides which could help with this. For example, it may turn out to be more efficient to read/write a literal hash-table or obarray. We should also consider which attributes we need to store along with the visited ID, such as date visited, which could eventually allow, say, purging old entries. It'd also be nice to look into the feasibility/usefulness of automatic compression/decompression of this file, which Emacs should support quite well. None of this has to be implemented up-front, of course, but the more we design up-front the fewer headaches we'll have later on.

adding a customize field in the .emacs file is impolite

To put it politely, yes. :)

provided I can ask questions if I get stuck.

Of course! Feel free to email me directly as you see fit, too.

Thanks again, and happy hacking!

basil-conto commented 6 years ago

Ooh, just slapping a .gz onto the end of the file name automagically decreases file size (and increases writing time both) by ~3x; I wonder if this is also supported on Windows.

matthew-piziak commented 6 years ago

Great. As a prototype I'll just serialize a hashset into <user-emacs-directory>/hackernews.cache.

matthew-piziak commented 6 years ago

Branch in progress:

Did a quick ten-minute prototype. New face, new button type, in-memory variable, no deduplication, requires refresh for links to change. But it looks nice.


basil-conto commented 6 years ago

But it looks nice.

It does indeed. I'm wondering if it's high time we changed the default definition of the hackernews-comment-count face, though, to inherit from link instead of link-visited, so that it doesn't clash with this feature. @clarete Any objections?

matthew-piziak commented 6 years ago

@basil-conto What's weird is that in the code it already does.

(defface hackernews-comment-count
  '((t :inherit hackernews-link))
  "Face used for comment counts."
  :package-version '(hackernews . "0.4.0")
  :group 'hackernews)

But in the customize-face menu it inherits from link-visited. I'm reading something wrong...

matthew-piziak commented 6 years ago

We should probably distinguish the comment link from the article link somehow. And we should probably also make them separately readable. So we'd have two hashsets: one for the article IDs where the article link was clicked, and one for the comment IDs where the comment link was clicked.

basil-conto commented 6 years ago

What's weird is that in the code it already does.

Oops, right you are, of course. Except that it's not weird at all, but rather expected behaviour. It's just that I completely forgot I'm to blame for these customisations in the zenburn custom theme: :)

I no longer use zenburn, but I have a similar customisation in my personal custom theme.

But in the customize-face menu it inherits from link-visited. I'm reading something wrong...

I presume you also use a custom theme which applies this customisation.

So, false alarm @clarete. Sorry about the noise.

basil-conto commented 6 years ago

We should probably distinguish the comment link from the article link somehow.

Perhaps, which is why I felt compelled to have the former inherit from link and the latter from link-visited. But any customisation you do beyond that has to handle different terminal classes well; see (elisp) Defining Faces. If you're willing to do this, then by all means, feel free (I don't feel confident with colours/styles/etc.). But it's not high priority, both because there's nothing currently stopping users from painting the faces whatever they like, and because we shouldn't assume that we know better than the user what they like by default. At the end of the day, both button types are links, so there's nothing wrong with fontifying them both as such.

And we should probably also make them separately readable. So we'd have two hashsets: one for the article IDs where the article link was clicked, and one for the comment IDs where the comment link was clicked.

This raises the question of how we define uniqueness. Would we ever care about keeping track of specific URLs that have been visited, rather than their corresponding Firebase IDs? Say, for example, I visit a post's comments page today, and Hacker News changes its URL format tomorrow. Do we agree that the new comments page URL should still be marked as visited, based on its ID?

Off the top of my head, I think a clean way of associating each type of link with its corresponding ID set would be via a custom button property. For example, the hackernews-link button type could be given the property, say, hackernews-ids, whose value is the set of visited item IDs, or that variable's symbol name. Then the rendering and button action code would just look up and update each button type's associated set. This is all very hypothetical, but WDYT?

matthew-piziak commented 6 years ago

At the end of the day, both button types are links, so there's nothing wrong with fontifying them both as such.

That's very sensible. I'll leave them alone in that case. I'm glad that I'm thinking aloud before forging ahead; you're giving me very useful feedback!

Say, for example, I visit a post's comments page today, and Hacker News changes its URL format tomorrow. Do we agree that the new comments page URL should still be marked as visited, based on its ID?

I think I know what you're getting at, but I'll prototype something and let you review. Sometimes it's easier to let code speak for itself.

matthew-piziak commented 6 years ago

Okay, so here's a hack:


Note that the comments and article links are now readable separately. Unfortunately this depends on the gross logic of checking for the "ycombinator" string in the link!

I've duplicated some faces here. Take a look. If this is on the right track then I'll add a proper "article-or-comment-link" marker to the button so that the URL hack isn't necessary.

basil-conto commented 6 years ago

Thanks @matthew-piziak, looks good and on the right track. The UI code can easily be generalised and made more agnostic later on.

My only big design question is whether we want to support font-lock-mode, which is enabled globally by default. Here's a breakdown of my concerns, using the hackernews-link button type as an example:

  1. The button types hackernews-link and hackernews-link-visited are redundant:
    1. They are both article links, not comment links.
    2. They share the same set of article IDs, which you've declared as the separate variable hackernews--visited-article-ids.
  2. Individual instances of button types hackernews-link and hackernews-link-visited differ only in their face.
  3. I can think of two simple ways to change an existing button instance's face:
    1. (button-put (point) 'face 'some-face)
      • This requires only a single button type which has two different faces associated with it.
    2. (button-put (point) 'type 'some-button-type)
      • This requires two distinct button types, a supertype and a subtype.
      • The supertype must be aware of its subtype, so that pressing a supertype instance knows which button type's face to apply.
      • The supertype and subtype differ in only a single property: face.
  4. font-lock-mode doesn't allow in-place modification of the face text property; see

So, the simplest solution in terms of both design and implementation is to have a single button type for each link type, as per (3)(i). Since we have two link types (articles and comments), we only need two button types (hackernews-link and hackernews-comment-count, respectively). Since we already have these two button types, the only thing that needs to be changed is to specify another "visited" face for each button type, e.g.

(define-button-type 'hackernews-link
  'action           #'hackernews-browse-url-action
  'face             'hackernews-link
  'follow-link      t
  'hackernews-vface 'hackernews-link-visited ; Visited face
  'keymap           hackernews-button-map)

Then any button press actions just need to change that button instance's face to the value of their button type's hackernews-vface property.

BUT, given (4), we can't do this - font-lock-mode simply ignores any face property changes, and the button instance's fontification stays the same.

The simplest (because I know next to nothing about font-lock-mode) workaround is to locally disable font-lock-mode in hackernews buffers. Judging from the introduction in (elisp) Font Lock Mode, this should be kosher because hackernews-mode is a special-mode and doesn't have to handle any text syntax in its buffers. But (again, because I know next to nothing about font-lock-mode) I can't guarantee that disabling font-lock-mode in hackernews buffers won't break any other Emacs features. I hope and assume not.

The other solution is to continue supporting font-lock-mode by defining "normal" and "visited" variations of each button type, as per (3)(ii). This means we never have to worry about whether faces are being applied properly, at the expense of more complicated button type hierarchies and button press action logic.

I'm kinda torn between the two approaches, but am leaning towards the latter, both because it's closer to vanilla emacs -Q and because I'm far more familiar with button.el than font-lock.el. WDYT?

Either way, I think it'd be cleaner to couple the visited ID sets with their button type, rather than having each set as a separate variable. For example, you could write the following:

(define-button-type 'hackernews-link
  'action             #'hackernews-browse-url-action
  'face               'hackernews-link
  'follow-link        t
  'hackernews-ids     ()                       ; Visited IDs
  'hackernews-visited 'hackernews-link-visited ; Visited subtype
  'keymap             hackernews-button-map)

(define-button-type 'hackernews-link-visited
  'face      'hackernews-link-visited
  'supertype 'hackernews-link)

and then remove hackernews--visited-article-ids altogether.

matthew-piziak commented 6 years ago

Okay, great! I've opted for keeping font-lock-mode, and associating the IDs with the buttons seems to be working. Unfortunately it still requires a redraw. What's the best way to redraw the buttons without refreshing the feed?

basil-conto commented 6 years ago

What's the best way to redraw the buttons without refreshing the feed?

Emacs' sophisticated (read: complicated) redisplay code takes care of that; all you have to do is change the button's type in-place, e.g. (button-put (point) 'type 'hackernews-link-visited).

basil-conto commented 6 years ago

all you have to do is change the button's type in-place

If you get a read-only error just bind inhibit-read-only around button-put. And take all of my 100% untested suggestions with a grain of salt because I'm AFK and writing from memory. :)

matthew-piziak commented 6 years ago

Oh wow, that works great. This looks like it's totally working except for persistence across sessions.

basil-conto commented 6 years ago

Please check whether the simple checklist I added to this issue is accurate/reasonable.

matthew-piziak commented 6 years ago

@basil-conto Yep, that all looks good. I'll proceed along those lines. :)

basil-conto commented 6 years ago

Also, feel free to open a PR, even a "[WIP]" one, whenever you're comfortable with it.

matthew-piziak commented 6 years ago

I've added a defcustom for hackernews-show-visited, so you can check that box. :)

basil-conto commented 6 years ago

Thanks! (I think you can also tick the boxes if you prefer. [Edit - actually you can't (yet).])

matthew-piziak commented 6 years ago

Here's the PR:

Thanks for walking me through it!

basil-conto commented 6 years ago

Thanks for working on it!