clarin-eric / ParlaMint

ParlaMint: Comparable Parliamentary Corpora
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Mandatory affiliations and organizations roles #227

Closed matyaskopp closed 1 year ago

matyaskopp commented 2 years ago

updated with #245

graph LR
    person[person] -.can be a.-> PrimeMinister & Minister & overconfidentMinister & MG & LPG & MPG & MP & uaf & GM & GL
    PrimeMinister[Prime Minister] --head--> Gov(Government / role=government)
    Minister[Minister of ...] --minister--> Gov
    overconfidentMinister[Minister of two ministries] & overconfidentMinister--minister--> Gov
    LPG[Leader of Parliamentary Group] --head--> Par.G
    PrimeMinister & Minister & overconfidentMinister & MG[Member of government] --member--> Gov
    MPG[Member of Parliamentary Group] & LPG --member--> Par.G(Parliamentary Group  / role=parliamentaryGroup)
    MP[Member of Parliament] & LPG & MPG & uaf[unaffiliated Member of Parliament] --member--> Par.L(Lower House / role=parliament)
    GM[Member of optional organization] & GL --member--> GO(optional organization / role=...)
    GL[Leader/president/head of optional organization] --head-->GO
    style GM fill:#dff,stroke-width:0px
    style GL fill:#dff,stroke-width:0px
    style GO fill:#dff,stroke-width:0px
TomazErjavec commented 2 years ago

@matyaskopp, as we now changed "president" to "head", I'm afraid the figure will have to be re-drawn. And here are some other small comments to make a perfect figure:

TomazErjavec commented 1 year ago

@matyaskopp, I now added an explanation of the obligatory and other affiliations roles to organisations at the end of the Section on Speaker affiliations. Could you pls. have a look and report any problems? Once it is ok, I think we can close this issue.

matyaskopp commented 1 year ago

@TomazErjavec, only one suggestion:

Affiliation can also have the classification ana attribute, which here points to the definition of the legislative period in which the person was affiliated with the specified organisation.

In CZ corpus, I am pointing to events in organizations because originally, there were many organizations with the same/similar name defined for each term - eg parliamentaryGroups are newly established on every term.

Furthermore, the previous government is still working after the election - until a new government is nominated. And we can also have multiple governments in one legislative period.

So here I suggest adding:
Affiliation can also have the classification ana attribute, which here can points to the definition of the legislative period in which the person was affiliated with the specified organisation or event in the organisation which is usually established for the legislative period.

TomazErjavec commented 1 year ago

I added the explanation about @ana as the third paragraph Speaker affiliations. Formulated a bit differently from your suggestion, as I didn't really understand it - if not ok, pls. complain, otherwise close.