Every minister should be affiliated two minister-role and member-role. eg:
<person xml:id="ZhekovaSvetlana">
<sex value="F"></sex>
<birth when="1967-02-01">
<education>Магистър по Френска филология в СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“</education>
<!-- minister affiliation: -->
<affiliation from="2014-08-06" ref="#gov.BGGov" role="minister" to="2014-11-07">
<roleName xml:lang="bg">Министър на околната среда и водите</roleName>
<!-- a member of government affiliation: -->
<affiliation from="2014-08-06" ref="#gov.BGGov" role="member" to="2014-11-07"/>
<idno type="wikimedia" xml:lang="bg">https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/Светлана_Жекова</idno>
<title type="main">Minutes of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria</title>
<idno type="URI">https://parliament.bg/bg/plenaryst</idno>
<date when="2020-03-11"></date>
Nice work, thanks. I have a few observations and comments:
corpus timespan
has a differentto
dateminister encoding
Every minister should be affiliated two
-role andmember
-role. eg:one component corresponds to a sitting
should contain#parla.sitting
should be
elements list should contain sitting. You can use the date if not any reasonable number:link to video
It would be nice to include a link to a video of the sitting: https://parliament.bg/bg/plenaryst/ns/51/ID/5306
link to the exact source
Should be:
It would be nice to include a link to a video of the sitting: https://parliament.bg/bg/plenaryst/ns/51/ID/5306
missing notes
you encode this https://github.com/ivo-clark/ParlaMint/blob/7525b9dae33da2172e53c871836382e099ae3f12/Data/ParlaMint-BG/ParlaMint-BG_2014-10-29.xml#L49-L50
but data also contains notes:
proceeding of sitting is not published before the day of sitting
the day of sitting or later is expected https://github.com/ivo-clark/ParlaMint/blob/7525b9dae33da2172e53c871836382e099ae3f12/Data/ParlaMint-BG/ParlaMint-BG_2022-06-29.xml#L61