clarin-eric / ParlaMint

ParlaMint: Comparable Parliamentary Corpora
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ES-PV Feedback #609

Open matyaskopp opened 1 year ago

matyaskopp commented 1 year ago

Common taxonomies are modified

The common taxonomies should be used without modifications - just translations. E.g. in your parla.legislature taxonomy, you don't have category

You can use this procedure to extract taxonomies and listPerson and listOrg outside and include them with include:

# factorize taxonomies and list(Person|Org)
make factorize-teiHeader-INPLACE-ES-PV
# add new files into the repository (taxonomies and list of persons and organizations)
git add Data/ParlaMint-SI/ParlaMint-ES-PV-taxonomy-*.xml
git add Data/ParlaMint-SI/ParlaMint-taxonomy-*.xml
git add Data/ParlaMint-SI/ParlaMint-ES-PV-list*.xml

and then commit and push updated files

meeting corresp

<meeting ana="#parla.lower #parla.term" n="10">10. agintaldia</meeting>
<meeting ana="#parla.lower #parla.term" n="11">11. agintaldia</meeting>
<meeting ana="#parla.lower #parla.term" n="12">12. agintaldia</meeting>

should be (DZ is an id of corresponding parliament)

<meeting corresp="#DZ" ana="#parla.uni #parla.term" n="10">10. agintaldia</meeting>
<meeting corresp="#DZ" ana="#parla.uni #parla.term" n="11">11. agintaldia</meeting>
<meeting corresp="#DZ" ana="#parla.uni #parla.term" n="12">12. agintaldia</meeting>

BTW, DZ is used in ParlaMint-SI corpus. This id does not make sense in Basque parliament.

idno type

idno type is usually URI and there can be som subtypes:

<idno type="wikimedia" xml:lang="eu"></idno>

should be

<idno type="URI" subtype="wikimedia" xml:lang="eu"></idno>

there are other strange types:

<idno type="eaj-pnv-web" xml:lang="eu"></idno>

wrong term date

<event xml:id="DZ.12" from="2020-08-03" to="2022-07-01"> <!-- remove to="2022-07-01" -->
<!-- ... -->
  <label xml:lang="en">Term 12</label>

country code

<name key="EU" type="country">Basque Country, Spain</name>

should be

<name key="ES-PV" type="country">Basque Country, Spain</name>

different setting in component and root files

               <name type="city">Gasteiz</name>
               <name type="country" key="ES">Spain</name>
               <date ana="#parla.sitting" when="2015-02-05">2015-02-05</date> >!-- file date -->


              <name type="org">Eusko Legebiltzarra</name>
               <name type="address">Becerro de Bengoa kalea</name>
               <name type="city">Vitoria-Gasteiz</name>
               <name key="EU" type="country">Basque Country, Spain</name>
               <date from="2015-02-01" to="2022-07-01"> 2015eko otsailetik 2022eko uztailera</date> <!-- corpus timespan -->

unicameral parliament

don't use #parla.lower in unicameral parliamentary system

typo aupport vs support

no virtual persons

              <person xml:id="Anonymous">

remove annotation with parliamentary organization

In @ana references, we use events or categories, not organizations, if someone is member that corresponds to some term, you can use a term id (e.g. #DZ.10)

langUsage usage

There is no definition how to calculate this number - I use percentage of words in given language in ParlaMint-UA

Remove Czceh named entity taxonomy it is used only in Czech data

file including:

prefix definition:

fix application info

            <application ident="UDPipe" version="2">
               <label>UDPipe 2 (czech-pdt-ud-2.10-220711 model)</label>
               <desc>POS tagging, lemmatization and dependency parsing done with UDPipe 2 (<ref target=""></ref>) with czech-pdt-ud-2.10-220711 model</desc>
            <application ident="NameTag" version="2">
               <label>NameTag 2 (czech-cnec2.0-200831 model)</label>
               <desc>Name entity recognition done with NameTag 2 (<ref target=""></ref>) with czech-cnec2.0-200831 model (<ref target=""></ref>). Posprocessing: nested named entities has been merged to four categories (PER, LOC, ORG, MISC).</desc>

You have used different models in UDPipe and as far as I know you haven't used NameTag but some other tool for NE

add parla.sitting

<TEI xmlns="" xml:id="ParlaMint-ES-PV_2015-02-05" xml:lang="eu" ana="#reference">

should be

<TEI xmlns="" xml:id="ParlaMint-ES-PV_2015-02-05" xml:lang="eu" ana="#reference #parla.sitting">

component file meeting

<meeting ana="#parla.session" n="1049-1054">Osoko Bilkura 2015-02-05 1049-1054</meeting>

can be

<meeting ana="#parla.sitting" n="2015-02-05">2015-02-05</meeting>
<meeting ana="#parla.session" n="1049-1054">Osoko Bilkura 1049-1054</meeting>

word count

I don't understand this, wrong language, strange description (aprox)

<measure unit="words" quantity="42758" xml:lang="eu">42758 words (aprox)</measure>


<u who="#TejeriaOtermin" xml:id="ParlaMint-ES-PV_2015-02-05.u0" ana="#chair">
  <note>LEHENDAKARIAK (Tejeria Otermin):</note>
  <seg xml:id="ParlaMint-ES-PV_2015-02-05.seg0" xml:lang="eu">Egun on guztioi. Osoko bilkurari hasiera emango diogu.</seg>

should be (outside utterance + type):

<note type="speaker>LEHENDAKARIAK (Tejeria Otermin):</note>
<u who="#TejeriaOtermin" xml:id="ParlaMint-ES-PV_2015-02-05.u0" ana="#chair">
  <seg xml:id="ParlaMint-ES-PV_2015-02-05.seg0" xml:lang="eu">Egun on guztioi. Osoko bilkurari hasiera emango diogu.</seg>

          <note>: Ondorioz, onartuta geratu da erdibideko zuzenketa.

there are a lot of text inside (), I am not sure what is comment/or incident...

... de cualquier propiedad (material político o de cualquier otra índole), para atacar ...
... garantistak ez diren beste estatuetan (Alemaniako edo Estatu Batuetako sistemetan, adibidez), ...
... 4. puntuak.  (Geldiunea)  Bozketa eginda, ...

no named entities

miruskieta commented 1 year ago

Hi Matyas,

I think each "idno" has his own type, but still have the following error: Error: /home/runner/work/ParlaMint-ES-PV/ParlaMint-ES-PV/ParlaMint/Data/ParlaMint-ES-PV/ParlaMint-ES-PV.xml:3951:51: error: element "idno" missing required attribute "type"

Do you know how I can find the error?

Best, m

TomazErjavec commented 1 year ago

Error: /home/runner/work/ParlaMint-ES-PV/ParlaMint-ES-PV/ParlaMint/Data/ParlaMint-ES-PV/ParlaMint-ES-PV.xml:3951:51: error: element "idno" missing required attribute "type"

If I indetify the line correctly, you have: <idno type="wikimedia" xml:lang="eu"></idno>

The error message is indeed strange, but, regardless, it is not correct, cf. the definition of idno. It should be

<idno type="URI" subtype="wikimedia" xml:lang="eu"></idno>

miruskieta commented 1 year ago

Yes, I found yesterday that error and carefully check if there is any other error, but the error is there. Here is the line and it looks good. <idno type="URI" subtype="wikimedia" xml:lang="eu"></idno>

TomazErjavec commented 1 year ago

Indeed it does look good. No ideas what is wrong here. Maybe just correct everything else, and do another pull request, it might be then easier to debug.

matyaskopp commented 1 year ago

There is opened <p> but not closed, this can make unexpected mess...

miruskieta commented 1 year ago

Once I correct this, there are a lot of errors. I validated externally ( and it seems it is ok. Error: /home/runner/work/ParlaMint-ES-PV/ParlaMint-ES-PV/ParlaMint/Data/ParlaMint-ES-PV/ParlaMint-ES-PV.xml:66:33: error: element "p" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "ref" Error: /home/runner/work/ParlaMint-ES-PV/ParlaMint-ES-PV/ParlaMint/Data/ParlaMint-ES-PV/ParlaMint-ES-PV.xml:67:33: error: element "p" not allowed here; expected the element end-tag, text or element "ref"

matyaskopp commented 1 year ago


broken token order/nesting after NER annotation

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<seg xml:id="ParlaMint-ES-PV_2015-02-05.seg5" xml:lang="es">
   <s xml:id="ParlaMint-ES-PV_2015-02-05.seg5.s1">
      <w xml:id="ParlaMint-ES-PV_2015-02-05.seg5.s1.w1" lemma="el" pos="DET" msd="UPosTag=DET|Definite=Def|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|PronType=Art">
         <w xml:id="ParlaMint-ES-PV_2015-02-05.seg5.s1.w6" lemma="Ararteko" pos="PROPN" msd="UPosTag=PROPN">Ararteko</w>
      <w xml:id="ParlaMint-ES-PV_2015-02-05.seg5.s1.w2" lemma="institución" pos="NOUN" msd="UPosTag=NOUN|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing">institución</w>
      <w xml:id="ParlaMint-ES-PV_2015-02-05.seg5.s1.w3">
         <w xml:id="ParlaMint-ES-PV_2015-02-05.seg5.s1.w4" lemma="de" pos="ADP" msd="UPosTag=ADP" norm="de" />
         <w xml:id="ParlaMint-ES-PV_2015-02-05.seg5.s1.w5" lemma="el" pos="DET" msd="UPosTag=DET|Definite=Def|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|PronType=Art" norm="el" />
      <w xml:id="ParlaMint-ES-PV_2015-02-05.seg5.s1.w7" lemma="ser" pos="AUX" msd="UPosTag=AUX|Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin">es</w>
     <!-- ... --->

I have annotated your TEI sample with udpipe on my side, and it works, so incorrect tokens are produced by the NER tool. I have used this:

# copy my script into the current directory
svn checkout
svn checkout
# copy your sample data into the current directory
svn checkout
# create an output directory 
mkdir ParlaMint-ES-PV.ana
# create a list of files to annotate
ls ParlaMint-ES-PV|grep 'ParlaMint-ES-PV_' | grep -v '.ana.xml' > files2annotate.fl
# run script
perl -I lib udpipe2/ --colon2underscore \
                             --model "eu:basque-bdt-ud-2.10-220711" \
                             --model "es:spanish-ancora-ud-2.10-220711" \
                             --elements "seg" \
                             --debug \
                             --try2continue-on-error \
                             --filelist files2annotate.fl \
                             --input-dir ParlaMint-ES-PV \
                             --output-dir ParlaMint-ES-PV.ana 

If you want to remove pc/@lemma quickly you can use:

# inplace remove lemma from <pc> elements in file
xmlstarlet edit --inplace --delete "//_:pc/@lemma"  FILE.xml
matyaskopp commented 1 year ago

main corpus title

<title type="main" xml:lang="eu">Eusko Legebiltzarreko corpusa ParlaMint-ES-PV</title>
<title type="main" xml:lang="es">Corpus del Parlamento Vasco ParlaMint-ES-PV</title>
<title type="main" xml:lang="en">Basque parliamentary corpus ParlaMint-ES-PV</title>

should be

<title type="main" xml:lang="eu">Eusko Legebiltzarreko corpusa ParlaMint-ES-PV [ParlaMint SAMPLE]</title>
<title type="main" xml:lang="es">Corpus del Parlamento Vasco ParlaMint-ES-PV [ParlaMint SAMPLE]</title>
<title type="main" xml:lang="en">Basque parliamentary corpus ParlaMint-ES-PV [ParlaMint SAMPLE]</title>

meeting of

Error: ERROR: cannot determine of which body the component ParlaMint-ES-PV_2015-02-27.xml is a meeting of!

<meeting ana="#parla.sitting" n="2015-02-27">2015-02-27</meeting>
<meeting ana="#parla.session" n="1086-1108">Osoko Bilkura 1086-1108</meeting>
<meeting ana="#parla.term" n="X">Legegintzaldia X</meeting>

should be

<meeting corresp="#ES-PV" ana="#parla.sitting" n="2015-02-27">2015-02-27</meeting>
<meeting corresp="#ES-PV" ana="#parla.session" n="1086-1108">Osoko Bilkura 1086-1108</meeting>
<meeting corresp="#ES-PV" ana="#parla.term #ES-PV.10" n="X">Legegintzaldia X</meeting>

The script uses the #ES-PV.10 value to determine the body where the meeting takes place.

miruskieta commented 1 year ago

I think now is correct, but there is an error in the validation process. I check the ES-PG and they have #parla.uni", is that also necessary?

matyaskopp commented 1 year ago

I think now is correct, but there is an error in the validation process. I check the ES-PG and they have #parla.uni", is that also necessary?

Not necessary, but better to have. It is a constant value for the whole corpus in your case, so no big deal :-)

matyaskopp commented 1 year ago

@miruskieta I have updated the ticks, and there are still some left.

Would you like me to help you with validation errors? Would you like more explanations?