clarin-eric / ParlaMint

ParlaMint: Comparable Parliamentary Corpora
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ParlaMint2release breaks CZ named entities #702

Closed matyaskopp closed 1 year ago

matyaskopp commented 1 year ago

This tries to fix invalid named entities, but it breaks nested entities:

should be:

  <!-- Bug where a name contains no words, but only a transcriber comment: remove <name> tag -->
  <xsl:template mode="comp" match="tei:body//tei:name[not(.//tei:w)]">
    <xsl:message select="concat('WARN ', /tei:TEI/@xml:id, 
                         ': removing name tag as name ', normalize-space(.), 
             ' contains no words for ', ancestor-or-self::tei:*[@xml:id][1]/@xml:id)"/>
    <xsl:apply-templates mode="comp"/>

tei:w changed to .//tei:w (looking for all descendants)

TomazErjavec commented 1 year ago

Thanks for noticing, fixed now. As discussed it might be a good idea to remove special CZ NEs anyway.