clarin-eric / ParlaMint

ParlaMint: Comparable Parliamentary Corpora
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Multi affiliation #843

Closed matyaskopp closed 7 months ago

matyaskopp commented 7 months ago

slightly related to #842

I think this example is wrong (BTW I thought that we disallowed this in place affiliations):

<affiliation role="minister" ref="#GOV"
 <orgName xml:lang="sl">Ministrstvo za obrambo</orgName>
 <orgName xml:lang="en">Ministry of Defence</orgName>

Is this affiliation with government or ministry? #GOV vs Ministry of Defence

If we want to allow inline affiliation, then the full correct example of this situation should be:

<affiliation role="minister" ref="#GOV"  from="2020-08-01" /> <!-- minister in government -->
<affiliation role="member" ref="#GOV"  from="2020-08-01" /> <!-- member of government -->
<affiliation role="head" from="2020-08-01"> <!-- head of ministry-->
 <orgName xml:lang="sl">Ministrstvo za obrambo</orgName>
 <orgName xml:lang="en">Ministry of Defence</orgName>
<affiliation role="member" from="2020-08-01"> <!-- member of ministry-->
 <orgName xml:lang="sl">Ministrstvo za obrambo</orgName>
 <orgName xml:lang="en">Ministry of Defence</orgName>

But I prefer to skip inline ministry organizations and use roleName:

<affiliation role="minister" ref="#GOV"  from="2020-08-01"> <!-- minister in government -->
 <roleName xml:lang="sl">Minister za obrambo</roleName>
 <roleName xml:lang="en">Minister of Defence</roleName>
<affiliation role="member" ref="#GOV"  from="2020-08-01" /> <!-- member of government -->

and also make affiliation/@ref mandatory

TomazErjavec commented 7 months ago

This has now been fixed, closing.