clarin-eric / VLO

Virtual Language Observatory
GNU General Public License v3.0
14 stars 6 forks source link

Implement mechanism(s) for gathering user satisfaction score #165

Closed twagoo closed 6 years ago

twagoo commented 6 years ago

In the context of EOSC-hub we have to collect and report on user satisfaction for several services including the VLO. The VLO will be the first CLARIN service deployed in EOSC-hub and therefore the first for which we should start reporting. The exact metric is not yet defined. See what we can implement and integrate into the application itself, ideally using exisiting solutions.


Would be nice to collect some good examples...

twagoo commented 6 years ago

See for an example/inspiration (python script)

twagoo commented 6 years ago

Ideally we give the user the option (should be optional!) to provide comments via text box upon or after submitting the rating.

Further ideas:

twagoo commented 6 years ago

Rating submission to a CouchDB backend now works and data can be retrieved using a query like the following:

curl -X POST http://vlo_couchdb:5984/ratings/_find \
  -d '{"selector": {}, "fields": ["rating_value","comment"]}' \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"