clarin-eric / parla-clarin

Schema for modelling parliamentary debates
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Bibliographic and sources section #17

Open matyaskopp opened 2 years ago

matyaskopp commented 2 years ago

I think there can be added Bibliographic and sources section (not sure about the title :-) ) directly after 2.4. Identifiers and referencing.

TEI format allows referer very straightly to the source of data by using <bibl> element or @source attribute. These mediums should be highlighted for many reasons:

The section on source linking can motivate people to create a better corpus. If the links to the source data exist, there is no apparent reason not to include them! The section should highlight that @source is possible to use everywhere <u>, <pb/>, <seg>,... or even <birth>(I can imagine the situation that the birth date of MPs is not included in official sources, so Wikipedia is used...), or famous relations among parties and government (coalitions, oppositions)