clarin-eric / switchboard

The Switchboard: a web application serving as a broker between data sets and data processing/analysis tools.
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Connection of the VCR and the FCS to the LRS #29

Open claus-zinn opened 7 years ago

claus-zinn commented 7 years ago

So far, the CLARIN VCR and the CLARIN FCS have not been connected to the LRS. The LRS is prepared to accept calls from both services, but the VCR and the FCS lack functionality to initiate LRS calls. There is some integration work required, potentially also on the LRS side once things are fleshed out in more detail.

WillemElbers commented 6 years ago

In the VCR beta I am working on integrating with the LRS. Currently I use the following endpoint:<url> where <url> is an url pointing to a resource from the VCR.

Two changes required for this integration:


Currently I add a lrs link to each resource of a collection. I send a single resource to the switchboard. Would there be a use-case for sending the full collection (containing references to n resources) to the switchboard?

claus-zinn commented 6 years ago

For the VCR, the endpoint should be The switchboard takes the route /#/vlo/ as being invoked from the VLO. The route /#/vcr indicates that the switchboard is invoked via the VCR. So far, that's the only thing that matters for the switchboard. Try the following: invoked the switchboard via the VLO, once directed to the switchboard change its invocation URL from /vlo to /vcr. The text changes to "Resource transferal from VCR". That's the only behavioural difference. For the time being, the switchboard only understands the transferal of a single resource. In the future, we may want to send an entire collection to the switchboard, but I think we should have a use case that demonstrates that this is a feature we need to have.

On the switchboard side, everything's ready for the simple case.

WillemElbers commented 6 years ago

Confirmed this is working, thanks.

dietervu commented 3 years ago

For the FCS integration we discussed today one option of LRS-FCS integration: the dictionary search could be forwarded to the FCS "simple search" URL, as in

(at the moment this just enters the search text in the search box, but work is on the way to actually also start the search operation)

emanueldima commented 3 years ago