clarity20 / tql

Terse Query Language
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Write a project-level script and a sample config file #34

Open clarity20 opened 5 years ago

clarity20 commented 5 years ago

This is a much-needed step toward making setup/configuration as easy as possible.

The goal is to implement a high-level execution script that can be invoked against entire databases, generalizing the table-specific Table1 (and in a lesser way, certain special scripts like FindTable). The user, instead of having to construct a series of table-specific scripts, will be able to invoke this common script against a specific table by specifying it as the first positional parameter. Meanwhile, the script will be pointable to different databases by (re-)setting the environment variable TQL_DBNAME.

The configuration file will pertain to a specific DB, laying out the settings for that DB's tables:

    . . .
    . . .

Actual project settings include the standard selection columns, the column-guessing rules, et cetera.

clarity20 commented 5 years ago

Commit # 3fc69c7 implements this db-level config file and a high-level executable script generalized to work for an entire database. The config settings are loaded but not yet used.