clariuslabs / TransformOnBuild

Transform Text Templates On Build
Apache License 2.0
48 stars 17 forks source link

Looking for a volunteer to maintain the project #68

Open kzu opened 3 years ago

kzu commented 3 years ago

I'm seriously considering archiving this project.

T4 has long been surpassed by far more capable templating alternatives (i.e. Scriban and may others) and there's even an open source Mono implementation which is far faster that the (effectively legacy) T4 in VS. Running T4 templates as part of the build did never seem to be a core design or intended usage, and it's consequently quite painful and slow in general.

Switching CI and updating the project to use newer techniques and fix the many reported issues is something that I can't just commit to anymore.

Leave a comment if you're interested and I'll add you as a contributor so you can merge PRs, update CI and so on as needed.


spirodt commented 3 years ago

Hey, I would gladly help as volunteer to maintain this Since I am using it. I noticed that there is no new release for the new nuget package with vs2019 and the code is merged

kzu commented 3 years ago

Sounds good, you're in! I'm send the invite and we can sync on the CI related tasks if you want, to get the publishing of nugets running smooth again

johnverbiest commented 2 years ago


I made a clone of this repository to continue this code's journey. As this project feels somewhat dead in the water, I took it onto myself to create a new nuget package containing the latest version of this project, including an automated build and deploy pipeline. The first version released (1.2.0) contains the changes needed to be able to build in VS2019.

If you feel that this is something I should not do, please let me know and i'll take the project offline.

With kind regards, John