clarkemw / script.moonlight-embedded-launcher

Launcher for moonlight-embedded on LibreELEC Raspberry Pi systems
MIT License
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Flags not working as intended #17

Open Inthemorningsir opened 2 years ago

Inthemorningsir commented 2 years ago

First: Thanks for the amazing work!

So, -localaudio does nothing and custom resolutions via -width and -height lead to instant crash.

I'm using Kodi on a really old CRT and the sound is jarred and low pitched in moonlight. I had a similar issue on Kodi before when it was automatically set to 5.1 and HQ sound.

Ideally I'd like to fix the sound in moonlight, but -localaudio would be an acceptable fix. On my windows machine I've noticed that it switches to Nvidia for sound output and it won't allow me to change it as long as moonlight is running, so I suspect the flag is not running.

clarkemw commented 2 years ago

Hello I just tried -localaudio and it seems to be working for me. What version of GFE are you running? Please ensure that you included the - in the custom flag input.

The custom resolution probably won't work correctly right now but I could probably create a fix in a future release. The reason its crashing is the plugin already passes a resolution (720/1080 etc based on the standard settings) so moonlight probably gets confused when it gets additional width/height arguments.

blacklaboratory commented 2 years ago

hi, it may be a bit late but for me -localaudio was not working either, instead : -audio local did the trick