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CL & EL identifiers can start with digits #120

Open Devon7 opened 3 years ago

Devon7 commented 3 years ago

Common-Lisp and Emacs-Lisp identifiers can start with digits, e.g., 2pi, !, { and } are all valid identifiers. ?, [ and ] are valid identifiers in Common-Lisp. Emacs-Lisp identifiers cannot start with ? and cannot contain [ or ]. The rare, seldom seen #?, #!, #[, #], #{ and #} reader macros reserved for Common-Lisp users are far too obscure to mention. Given that the identifier info is at least half false, it might be wise to check the other entries as well. 2.3.4 Symbols as Tokens Any token that is not a potential number, does not contain a package marker, and does not consist entirely of dots will always be interpreted as a symbol. Potential Numbers as Tokens …