clarkgrubb / hyperpolyglot
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Add Language Elixir #2

Open h4cc opened 9 years ago

h4cc commented 9 years ago

I would love to see elixir on this page:

Should it rather be next to erlang because they two use the same VirtualMachine, or should it be in another comparision?

skovsgaard commented 8 years ago

I'd be happy to take a stab at this, provided we can work out where to put it. I second the idea to just stick it in next to Erlang. That or creating a whole new category titled BEAM-languages or "Process oriented".

clarkgrubb commented 8 years ago

I'm open to adding Elixir to the page with Prolog and Erlang.

A convenient way to submit information is to create comments on this issue with a format like this:

grammar and invocation

$ iex

# a comment

If new rows need to be introduced, they should use the same titles as the corresponding rows in other sheets. There is a canoncial list of row titles at Any row titles peculiar to the Prolog/Erlang/Elixir should be for features which are peculiar to those languages.

I don't like to add a column unless I am able to fill in at least 100 cells. Good coverage will probably require 200–300 cells.

skovsgaard commented 8 years ago

I created this gist containing the whole thing for Elixir.

Sorry it took a year to get around to and thanks for keeping the issue open.