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fish: brace expansion: character sequence #43

Open GReagle opened 8 years ago

GReagle commented 8 years ago

In Brace, Tilde, Command, and Pathname Expansion, the table is correct that fish does not have a built-in way to create a sequence from 1 to 10, but I think it would be more useful and informative to replace "none" with seq 1 10.

7fe commented 8 years ago

@GReagle If that is not a built in is that something like busybox then?

GReagle commented 8 years ago

@limeblack Your questions doesn't make sense to me. Could you elaborate or clarify please?

7fe commented 8 years ago

@GReagle busybox is a set of commands for shells which includes seq and bunch of other commands. It appears busybox's seq 1 10 is what you are referring to.

My question here is basically a duplicate so I think one of should close ours and just piggy back of the other persons issue. It appears seq 1 10 isn't a built in command but is included in busybox so I believe I was correct.

GReagle commented 8 years ago

Yes I know what busybox is. Busybox includes many commands. Busybox happens to include seq, but Busybox also happens to include ls. Busybox is not relevant though. I am not referring to Busybox's seq, I am just referring to the command seq, which on my computer is at /usr/bin/seq. It is just an external command. Maybe you have never heard of the seq command except in the context of busybox, but it is a standard Unix command like ls and env.