clarkie / dynogels

DynamoDB data mapper for node.js. Originally forked from
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set created and updatedat to epoch #126

Closed Alphatiger closed 6 years ago

Alphatiger commented 6 years ago

when timestamps options is true, there should be an option to set the timestamp to epoch, instead of only ISO string

clarkie commented 6 years ago

Hi @Alphatiger, thanks for the suggestion but can you explain what problem you have storing them as ISO strings? Thanks, Clarkie

Alphatiger commented 6 years ago

when backends doesn't support date operations e.g dynamodb we can fall back to epoch based comparison.

clarkie commented 6 years ago

I've always found the 2018-01-03 format much better as often people ask for reports between two dates and it's much easier to reason about date >= '2017-12-01' && date <= '2017-12-31' than using timestamps date >= 1512086400 && date <= 1514678400

Alphatiger commented 6 years ago

As i mentioned above the dynamodb doesnt allow any date operations, we have to fallback to epoch for this purpose, so ideally give an option for timestamp to be epoch or ISO string. this should be an option available at table declaration itself

clarkie commented 6 years ago

But dynamodb doesn't need any date operations. You can use string operations for the comparisons as I showed above.


Alphatiger commented 6 years ago

Hi Thanks

my primary tested showed this is working, can you please tell me does dynamodb compare this as per their ascii values or how it compares?

cdhowie commented 6 years ago

The comparison is lexicographic. One of the advantages of ISO-8601-formatted dates is that they can be compared lexicographically, since more significant date components always appear to the left of less significant date components.

clarkie commented 6 years ago

@Alphatiger yes, dynamodb does compare using ascii values:

String value comparisons for greater than, equals, or less than are based on ASCII character code values. For example, a is greater than A, and a is greater than B. For a list of code values, see

I'm closing this as I think we have resolved your issue.

Thanks, Clarkie