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Unify `Bundle` for `Signal` and `DSignal` (and other `Traversable` `Applicative` functors...) #1629

Open gergoerdi opened 3 years ago

gergoerdi commented 3 years ago

Currently, there are two typeclasses (specific to Signal and DSignal unbundling) that implement the same logic: turning, e.g., f (a, b) into (f a, f b). Couldn't these be unified into a single typeclass that doesn't care about the choice of f, as long as it is a traversable applicative functor?

To illustrate, here's what it would look like:

class Bundle a where
    type Unbundled (f :: Type -> Type) a = res | res -> f a
    type Unbundled f a = f a

    bundle :: (Applicative f) => Unbundled f a -> f a

    default bundle :: (Applicative f, Unbundled f a ~ f a) => Unbundled f a -> f a
    bundle = id

    unbundle :: (Traversable f) => f a -> Unbundled f a

    default unbundle :: (Traversable f, Unbundled f a ~ f a) => f a -> Unbundled f a
    unbundle = id

And as a proof-of-concept, here are some instances: for an "atomic" type, for a tuple, and for Vec:

instance Bundle Bit where
    bundle = id
    unbundle = id

instance Bundle (a, b) where
    type Unbundled f (a, b) = (f a, f b)
    bundle (x, y) = (,) <$> x <*> y
    unbundle xy = (fst <$> xy, snd <$> xy)

instance (KnownNat n) => Bundle (Vec n a) where
    type Unbundled f (Vec n a) = Vec n (f a)
    bundle = traverse# id
    unbundle = sequenceA . fmap lazyV

Is there any hidden gotcha I am missing? If not, I would prefer moving over to this typeclass, to avoid having to manually dispatch between the Signal and the DSignal one.

christiaanb commented 3 years ago

Some code archeology doesn't explain whether the above approach was tried but rendered unsatisfactory type inference results. Perhaps @blaxill can tell us whether he tried the above approach before submitting the original PR for the Signal.Delayed.Bundle module?

martijnbastiaan commented 3 years ago

I don't see any immediate reason not to do it.

Just a heads up, the various bundle and unbundle primitives are currently hardcoded in the compiler:

So if we go through with this, it's probably easiest to have the instances of DSignal be implemented like ~coerce . bundle @(Signal dom) @a . coerce.

gergoerdi commented 3 years ago

One issue I've realized is that "do-nothing" instances can cause problems with other instances, if their shape is sufficiently similar.

In concrete terms, if we have Bundle (Vec n a) and Bundle (Maybe a), with the former doing actual unbundling and the latter being id, then we have

type Unbundled f (Maybe a) = f (Maybe a)
type Unbundled f (Vec n a) = Vec n (f a)

And these are sadly overlapping, because what about Vec n (Maybe a)?

Type family equations violate injectivity annotation:
  Unbundled f (Vec n a) = Vec n (f a)
  Unbundled f (Maybe a) = f (Maybe a)
gergoerdi commented 3 years ago

If we had proper fundeps for tyfams, maybe res f -> a would be good enough both to allow these instances and also to make inference work, but it's hard to test this hypothesis without support in GHC...

blaxill commented 3 years ago

Some code archeology doesn't explain whether the above approach was tried but rendered unsatisfactory type inference results. Perhaps @blaxill can tell us whether he tried the above approach before submitting the original PR for the Signal.Delayed.Bundle module?

No, I don't think I tried- I was learning Haskell and consolidating them was beyond me at the time.

christiaanb commented 3 years ago

@gergoerdi I tried going for a full MPTC+FD version of Bundle without TF:

class BundleX a f res | res f -> a where
  bundleX :: res -> f a
  default bundleX :: res ~ f a => res -> f a
  bundleX = id

  unbundleX :: f a -> res
  default unbundleX :: res ~ f a => f a -> res
  unbundleX = id

instance BundleX Bool f (f Bool)

instance Applicative f => BundleX (a, b) f (f a, f b) where
  bundleX (x, y) = (,) <$> x <*> y
  unbundleX xy = (fst <$> xy, snd <$> xy)

instance Applicative f => BundleX (a, b, c) f (f a, f b, f c) where
  bundleX (x, y, z) = (,,) <$> x <*> y <*> z
  unbundleX xyz = ((\(x,_,_)->x) <$> xyz, (\(_,y,_)->y) <$> xyz, (\(_,_,z)->z) <$> xyz)

instance (KnownNat n, Applicative f, Traversable f) => BundleX (Vec n a) f (Vec n (f a)) where
  bundleX = traverse# id
  unbundleX = sequenceA . fmap lazyV

instance BundleX (Maybe a) f (f (Maybe a))

It started out alright, until I hit this snag:

  :: ( HiddenClockResetEnable dom
     , NFDataX s
     , BundleX i (Signal dom) iRes
     , BundleX o (Signal dom) oRes)
  => (s -> i -> (s,o))
  -- ^ Transfer function in mealy machine form: @state -> input -> (newstate,output)@
  -> s
  -- ^ Initial state
  -> (iRes -> oRes)
  -- ^ Synchronous sequential function with input and output matching that
  -- of the mealy machine
mealyB = hideClockResetEnable E.mealyB
{-# INLINE mealyB #-}

where GHC started throwing:

src/Clash/Prelude/Mealy.hs:120:6: error:
    • Could not deduce: (GHC.Classes.IP
                           (GHC.TypeLits.AppendSymbol dom0 "_clk") (Clock dom0),
                           (GHC.TypeLits.AppendSymbol dom0 "_rst") (Reset dom0),
                           (GHC.TypeLits.AppendSymbol dom0 "_en") (Enable dom0))
      from the context: (HiddenClockResetEnable dom, NFDataX s,
                         BundleX i (Signal dom) iRes, BundleX o (Signal dom) oRes)
        bound by the type signature for:
                   mealyB :: forall (dom :: GHC.Types.Symbol) s i iRes o oRes.
                             (HiddenClockResetEnable dom, NFDataX s,
                              BundleX i (Signal dom) iRes, BundleX o (Signal dom) oRes) =>
                             (s -> i -> (s, o)) -> s -> iRes -> oRes
        at src/Clash/Prelude/Mealy.hs:(120,6)-(128,19)
    • In the ambiguity check for ‘mealyB’
      To defer the ambiguity check to use sites, enable AllowAmbiguousTypes
      In the type signature:
        mealyB :: (HiddenClockResetEnable dom,
                   NFDataX s,
                   BundleX i (Signal dom) iRes,
                   BundleX o (Signal dom) oRes) =>
                  (s -> i -> (s, o)) -> s -> (iRes -> oRes)
120 |   :: ( HiddenClockResetEnable dom
    |      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...

which makes sense, since there's nothing to the RHS of => that ties down the dom type variable. And adding a proxy argument to tie down dom defeats the point of having the IPs for clock/reset/enable to begin with.

So yeah... no win so far.

gergoerdi commented 3 years ago

We can join our two ideas to something that might work! I think your idea of using MPTCs to work around generalized fundeps missing from tyfams is a good one, you just have to get the fundeps right -- including the implicit one that was in the original associated tyfam, since there you always have lhs -> rhs.

I've tried the following definition:

class Bundle a f res | f a -> res, f res -> a where
    bundle :: (Applicative f) => res -> f a

    default bundle :: (Applicative f, res ~ f a) => res -> f a
    bundle = id

    unbundle :: (Traversable f) => f a -> res

    default unbundle :: (Traversable f, res ~ f a) => f a -> res
    unbundle = id

With the following sigil instances:

instance Bundle Bit f (f Bit) where

instance Bundle (a, b) f (f a, f b) where
    bundle (x, y) = (,) <$> x <*> y
    unbundle xy = (fst <$> xy, snd <$> xy)

instance (KnownNat n) => Bundle (Vec n a) f (Vec n (f a)) where
    bundle = traverse# id
    unbundle = sequenceA . fmap lazyV

instance Bundle (Maybe a) f (f (Maybe a)) where

No coverage conflict here!

This chain of definitions works:

  :: (HiddenClockResetEnable dom)
  => (Bundle i (Signal dom) i', Bundle o (Signal dom) o')
  => (NFDataX s)
  => (s -> i -> (s,o))
  -> s
  -> (i' -> o')
mealyB = hideClockResetEnable mealyBE

  :: (Bundle i (Signal dom) i', Bundle o (Signal dom) o')
  => (NFDataX s)
  => Clock dom
  -> Reset dom
  -> Enable dom
  -> (s -> i -> (s,o))
  -> s
  -> (i' -> o')
mealyBE = unbundle . mealyE clk rst en f s0 . bundle

  :: (NFDataX s)
  => Clock dom
  -> Reset dom
  -> Enable dom
  -> (s -> i -> (s,o))
  -> s
  -> (Signal dom i -> Signal dom o)
mealyE = undefined
gergoerdi commented 3 years ago

Seems usable, e.g.:

foo :: (HiddenClockResetEnable dom) => (Signal dom Int, Signal dom Int) -> (Signal dom Int, Signal dom Int)
foo = mealyB minMax (0, 0)
    minMax :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))
    minMax (x, y) (minX, maxY) = ((x + maxY, y + minX), (min x minX, max y maxY))
gergoerdi commented 3 years ago

We might just have cracked this!

gergoerdi commented 3 years ago

(I wish we could write f -> (a <-> res) as a fundep)

gergoerdi commented 3 years ago

Note that my proposed code above is not as generic as yours, since it requires f to be Applicative / Traversable even for the trivial instances. I don't have an opinion on whether this is better or not than moving these constraints to individual instances. For completeness's sake, here's a version with constraints on instances:

class Bundle a f res | f a -> res, f res -> a where
    bundle :: res -> f a

    default bundle :: (res ~ f a) => res -> f a
    bundle = id

    unbundle :: f a -> res

    default unbundle :: (res ~ f a) => f a -> res
    unbundle = id

instance Bundle Bit f (f Bit) where

instance (Applicative f) => Bundle (a, b) f (f a, f b) where
    bundle (x, y) = (,) <$> x <*> y
    unbundle xy = (fst <$> xy, snd <$> xy)

instance (KnownNat n, Applicative f, Traversable f) => Bundle (Vec n a) f (Vec n (f a)) where
    bundle = traverse# id
    unbundle = sequenceA . fmap lazyV

instance Bundle (Maybe a) f (f (Maybe a)) where
christiaanb commented 3 years ago

What version of GHC are you using? I changed to:

class BundleX a f res | f a -> res, f res -> a where
    bundleX :: Applicative f => res -> f a

    default bundleX :: (Applicative f, res ~ f a) => res -> f a
    bundleX = id

    unbundleX :: Traversable f => f a -> res

    default unbundleX :: (Traversable f, res ~ f a) => f a -> res
    unbundleX = id

instance (Applicative f, Traversable f) => BundleX Bit f (f Bit) where

instance (Applicative f) => BundleX (a, b) f (f a, f b) where
    bundleX (x, y) = (,) <$> x <*> y
    unbundleX xy = (fst <$> xy, snd <$> xy)

instance (Applicative f) => BundleX (a, b, c) f (f a, f b, f c) where
    bundleX (x, y, z) = (,,) <$> x <*> y <*> z
    unbundleX xyz = ((\(x,_,_)->x) <$> xyz, (\(_,y,_)->y) <$> xyz, (\(_,_,z)->z) <$> xyz)

instance (KnownNat n, Applicative f, Traversable f) => BundleX (Vec n a) f (Vec n (f a)) where
    bundleX = traverse# id
    unbundleX = sequenceA . fmap lazyV

instance (Applicative f, Traversable f) => BundleX (Maybe a) f (f (Maybe a)) where

but for:

  :: ( HiddenClockResetEnable dom
     , NFDataX s
     , BundleX i (Signal dom) i'
     , BundleX o (Signal dom) o')
  => (s -> i -> (s,o))
  -- ^ Transfer function in mealy machine form: @state -> input -> (newstate,output)@
  -> s
  -- ^ Initial state
  -> (i' -> o')
  -- ^ Synchronous sequential function with input and output matching that
  -- of the mealy machine
mealyB = hideClockResetEnable E.mealyB
{-# INLINE mealyB #-}

I still get the following on GHC 8.10.4:

[102 of 107] Compiling Clash.Prelude.Mealy ( src/Clash/Prelude/Mealy.hs, interpreted )

src/Clash/Prelude/Mealy.hs:120:6: error:
    • Could not deduce: (GHC.Classes.IP
                           (GHC.TypeLits.AppendSymbol dom0 "_clk") (Clock dom0),
                           (GHC.TypeLits.AppendSymbol dom0 "_rst") (Reset dom0),
                           (GHC.TypeLits.AppendSymbol dom0 "_en") (Enable dom0))
      from the context: (HiddenClockResetEnable dom, NFDataX s,
                         BundleX i (Signal dom) i', BundleX o (Signal dom) o')
        bound by the type signature for:
                   mealyB :: forall (dom :: GHC.Types.Symbol) s i i' o o'.
                             (HiddenClockResetEnable dom, NFDataX s, BundleX i (Signal dom) i',
                              BundleX o (Signal dom) o') =>
                             (s -> i -> (s, o)) -> s -> i' -> o'
        at src/Clash/Prelude/Mealy.hs:(120,6)-(128,15)
    • In the ambiguity check for ‘mealyB’
      To defer the ambiguity check to use sites, enable AllowAmbiguousTypes
      In the type signature:
        mealyB :: (HiddenClockResetEnable dom,
                   NFDataX s,
                   BundleX i (Signal dom) i',
                   BundleX o (Signal dom) o') =>
                  (s -> i -> (s, o)) -> s -> (i' -> o')
120 |   :: ( HiddenClockResetEnable dom
    |      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...

src/Clash/Prelude/Mealy.hs:120:6: error:
    • Could not deduce (KnownDomain dom0)
      from the context: (HiddenClockResetEnable dom, NFDataX s,
                         BundleX i (Signal dom) i', BundleX o (Signal dom) o')
        bound by the type signature for:
                   mealyB :: forall (dom :: GHC.Types.Symbol) s i i' o o'.
                             (HiddenClockResetEnable dom, NFDataX s, BundleX i (Signal dom) i',
                              BundleX o (Signal dom) o') =>
                             (s -> i -> (s, o)) -> s -> i' -> o'
        at src/Clash/Prelude/Mealy.hs:(120,6)-(128,15)
      The type variable ‘dom0’ is ambiguous
    • In the ambiguity check for ‘mealyB’
      To defer the ambiguity check to use sites, enable AllowAmbiguousTypes
      In the type signature:
        mealyB :: (HiddenClockResetEnable dom,
                   NFDataX s,
                   BundleX i (Signal dom) i',
                   BundleX o (Signal dom) o') =>
                  (s -> i -> (s, o)) -> s -> (i' -> o')
120 |   :: ( HiddenClockResetEnable dom
    |      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...
gergoerdi commented 3 years ago

I tested it with the following Stack resolver:

name: clash-HEAD
resolver: lts-16.21

  - github: clash-lang/clash-compiler
    commit: fb903e0b227045e387d5df6ed83009948c403d33
      - clash-ghc
      - clash-prelude
      - clash-lib

  - ghc-typelits-knownnat-0.7.4
  - ghc-typelits-extra-0.4.2
  - ghc-typelits-natnormalise-0.7.3

  - arrows-
  - Stream-
  - lazysmallcheck-0.6
  - hedgehog-1.0.4
  - tasty-hedgehog-

      multiple-hidden: false

So it's GHC 8.8.4 with the aforementioned Clash commit. I have only tested it by putting these definitions into a standalone Clash source file, not by patching clash-prelude itself.

gergoerdi commented 3 years ago

Works with GHC 8.10.3 as well.

gergoerdi commented 3 years ago

I've pushed my full code (for GHC 8.10.3!) to

gergoerdi commented 3 years ago

The one thing I haven't tested is multiple-hidden: true.

christiaanb commented 3 years ago

Right! Thanks, I'll test with multiple-hidden: False!

christiaanb commented 3 years ago

That seems to work.

gergoerdi commented 3 years ago

Sooooo I have never tried multiple-hidden: True. Does it play nicely with the current Bundle typeclass?

gergoerdi commented 3 years ago
instance (Applicative f, Traversable f) => BundleX Bit f (f Bit) where
instance (Applicative f, Traversable f) => BundleX (Maybe a) f (f (Maybe a)) where

You don't need constraints on f for the do-nothing instances, since if you know f a ~ res, you can always use id without lifting that to f.

gergoerdi commented 3 years ago

As a small (perhaps superficial?) comment, changing the order of params to Bundle f a res is nicer I think, for example:

instance Bundle f Bit (f Bit) where ...
instance Bundle f (a, b) (f a, f b) where ...
instance Bundle f (a, b, c) (f a, f b, f c) where ...
instance (KnownNat n) => Bundle f (Vec n a) (Vec n (f a)) where ...
christiaanb commented 3 years ago

Sooooo I have never tried multiple-hidden: True. Does it play nicely with the current Bundle typeclass?

It does, but perhaps that's incidental on both being TF based solutions. Perhaps if we make both MTPC+FD solutions they'll also play nicely together. I do want to remark that multiple-hidden is experimental and currently disabled for releases (even the upcoming 1.4 release), because there are still some issues with type-inference where you get horrible error messages. @martijnbastiaan knows best what is wrong with it exactly.

christiaanb commented 3 years ago

@gergoerdi I've created a draft PR over at, mostly to see how/when the test suite fails.

martijnbastiaan commented 3 years ago

@martijnbastiaan knows best what is wrong with it exactly.

There are basically two things;

And I guess there's a third point:

christiaanb commented 3 years ago

It seems that when I define Bundle as:

class Bundle f a res | f a -> res, f res -> a, a res -> f

The multiple-hidden stuff does work.