I encountered a situation where Vivado could not process my HDL because a type "A" collided with a signal name "a".
GHC version: 9.0.2
Clash version: 1.6.3
Consider the following reproducer consisting of two files.
module Example.HasA where
import Clash.Explicit.Prelude
data AorB = A | B deriving (NFDataX, Generic)
flipAB :: AorB -> AorB
flipAB A = B
flipAB B = A
{-# NOINLINE flipAB #-}
module Example.Project where
import Clash.Prelude
import Example.HasA
topEntity ::
Clock System ->
Reset System ->
Enable System ->
Signal System AorB ->
Signal System Bool ->
Signal System AorB
topEntity clk rst en a b = withClockResetEnable clk rst en $ mux b a (register A $ flipAB <$> a)
Compiling this to vhdl with:
cabal run -- clash Example.Project --vhdl
produces the following 5 files:
That when processed, produces two of the same errors, namely:
[Synth 8-2778] type error near a ; expected type aorb ["/somePath/vhdl/Example.Project.topEntity/topEntity.vhdl":35]`
Caused by the port name a colliding with the type A.
The first error in a signal definition:
signal topEntity1_f1 : Example_Project_topEntity_types.AorB := AorB'(A);
The second in a signal assignment:
topEntity1_f1 <= AorB'(A);
Removing the NOINLINE makes the problem disappear, and removing the register also makes the problem disappear.
I encountered a situation where Vivado could not process my HDL because a type "A" collided with a signal name "a". GHC version: 9.0.2 Clash version: 1.6.3
Consider the following reproducer consisting of two files.
Compiling this to vhdl with:
cabal run -- clash Example.Project --vhdl
produces the following 5 files:
That when processed, produces two of the same errors, namely:
Caused by the port name
colliding with the typeA
.The first error in a signal definition:
The second in a signal assignment:
Removing the
makes the problem disappear, and removing the register also makes the problem disappear.