clash-lang / clash-compiler

Haskell to VHDL/Verilog/SystemVerilog compiler
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clash: unable to load package `primitive-0.6' #67

Closed hoyeunglee closed 9 years ago

hoyeunglee commented 9 years ago

in ubuntu 12.04 after following installation instruction

clash --interactive FIR.hs CLaSHi, version 0.5.10 (using clash-lib, version 0.5.9): for help [1 of 1] Compiling FIR ( FIR.hs, interpreted ) clash: unable to load package `primitive-0.6'

christiaanb commented 9 years ago

Hi, could you give me the output of the following commands:

ghc --version
ghc-pkg check
christiaanb commented 9 years ago

And could you give me the output of:

clash --interactive -v3 FIR.hs
hoyeunglee commented 9 years ago

martin@ubuntu:~/downloads/mscript$ ghc --version The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.10.1 martin@ubuntu:~/downloads/mscript$ ghc-pkg check Warning: haddock-interfaces: /home/martin/.cabal/share/doc/i386-linux-ghc-7.10.1/nats-1/html/nats.haddock doesn't exist or isn't a file martin@ubuntu:~/downloads/mscript$

martin@ubuntu:~/downloads/mscript$ clash --interactive -v3 FIR.hs CLaSHi, version 0.5.10 (using clash-lib, version 0.5.9): :? for help Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version 7.10.1, stage 2 booted by GHC version 7.8.4 Using binary package database: /opt/ghc/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/package.conf.d/package.cache Using binary package database: /home/martin/.ghc/i386-linux-7.10.1/package.conf.d/package.cache wired-in package ghc-prim mapped to ghc-prim- wired-in package integer-gmp mapped to integer-gmp- wired-in package base mapped to base- wired-in package rts mapped to builtin_rts wired-in package template-haskell mapped to template-haskell- wired-in package ghc mapped to ghc-7.10.1-c68fad7c073b01c18711eb22d66d9d8d wired-in package dph-seq not found. wired-in package dph-par not found. Hsc static flags: Loading package ghc-prim- ... linking ... done. * gcc: /usr/bin/gcc -U__i686 -fno-stack-protector -DTABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE -L/opt/ghc/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/integ_2aU3IZNMF9a7mQ0OzsZ0dS --print-file-name Loading package integer-gmp- ... linking ... done. Loading package base- ... linking ... done. wired-in package ghc-prim mapped to ghc-prim- wired-in package integer-gmp mapped to integer-gmp- wired-in package base mapped to base- wired-in package rts mapped to builtin_rts wired-in package template-haskell mapped to template-haskell- wired-in package ghc mapped to ghc-7.10.1-c68fad7c073b01c18711eb22d66d9d8d wired-in package dph-seq not found. wired-in package dph-par not found. Loading package transformers- ... linking ... done. Loading package array- ... linking ... done. Loading package deepseq- ... linking ... done. Loading package containers- ... linking ... done. Loading package hoopl- ... linking ... done. Loading package bytestring- ... linking ... done. Loading package binary- ... linking ... done. Loading package filepath- ... linking ... done. Loading package time- ... linking ... done. * gcc: /usr/bin/gcc -Ui686 -fno-stack-protector -DTABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE -L/opt/ghc/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/unix_G4Yo1pNtYrk8nCq1cx8P9d --print-file-name *\ gcc: /usr/bin/gcc -Ui686 -fno-stack-protector -DTABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE -L/opt/ghc/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/unix_G4Yo1pNtYrk8nCq1cx8P9d --print-file-name * gcc: /usr/bin/gcc -U__i686 -fno-stack-protector -DTABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE -L/opt/ghc/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/unix_G4Yo1pNtYrk8nCq1cx8P9d --print-file-name * gcc: /usr/bin/gcc -U__i686 -fno-stack-protector -DTABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE -L/opt/ghc/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/unix_G4Yo1pNtYrk8nCq1cx8P9d --print-file-name Loading package unix- ... linking ... done. Loading package directory- ... linking ... done. Loading package bin-package-db- ... linking ... done. Loading package pretty- ... linking ... done. Loading package process- ... linking ... done. Loading package hpc- ... linking ... done. Loading package template-haskell- ... linking ... done. Loading package ghc-7.10.1 ... linking ... done. Loading package ghc-tcplugins-extra-0.1 ... linking ... done. Loading package ghc-typelits-natnormalise-0.3 ... linking ... done. Coercing a value in getValueSafely... Successfully evaluated coercion * Chasing dependencies: Chasing modules from: Stable obj: [] Stable BCO: [] unload: retaining objs [] unload: retaining bcos [] Ready for upsweep [] Upsweep completely successful. * Deleting temp files: Deleting: * Chasing dependencies: Chasing modules from: _FIR.hs Stable obj: [] Stable BCO: [] unload: retaining objs [] unload: retaining bcos [] Ready for upsweep [NONREC ModSummary { ms_hs_date = 2015-07-11 00:59:01.367425486 UTC ms_mod = FIR, ms_textual_imps = [import CLaSH.Prelude] mssrcimps = [] }] ** Deleting temp files: Deleting: compile: input file FIR.hs Created temporary directory: /tmp/ghc3712_0 * Checking old interface for FIR: [1 of 1] Compiling FIR ( FIR.hs, interpreted ) * Parser: * Renamer/typechecker: Coercing a value in getValueSafely... Successfully evaluated coercion * Simplify: * CorePrep: *\ ByteCodeGen: Loading package primitive-0.6 ... linking ... clash: unable to load package `primitive-0.6'

christiaanb commented 9 years ago

And the output of?:

ghc-pkg list
ghci Fir.hs
hoyeunglee commented 9 years ago

martin@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ ghc-pkg list /opt/ghc/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/package.conf.d Cabal- array- base- bin-package-db- binary- bytestring- containers- deepseq- directory- filepath- ghc-7.10.1 ghc-prim- haskeline- hoopl- hpc- integer-gmp- pretty- process- rts-1.0 template-haskell- terminfo- time- transformers- unix- xhtml-3000.2.1 /home/martin/.ghc/i386-linux-7.10.1/package.conf.d ListLike-4.2.0 QuickCheck-2.8.1 StateVar- adjunctions-4.2.1 aeson- attoparsec- base-orphans-0.4.0 bifunctors-5 clash-lib-0.5.9 clash-prelude-0.9.1 clash-systemverilog-0.5.7 clash-verilog-0.5.7 clash-vhdl-0.5.8 comonad-4.2.6 concurrent-supply- contravariant- data-default-0.5.3 data-default-class-0.0.1 data-default-instances-base-0.0.1 data-default-instances-containers-0.0.1 data-default-instances-dlist-0.0.1 data-default-instances-old-locale-0.0.1 distributive-0.4.4 dlist- errors-2.0.0 exceptions- fgl- fmlist-0.9 free-4.12.1 ghc-tcplugins-extra-0.1 ghc-typelits-natnormalise-0.3 hashable- kan-extensions-4.2.2 lens-4.12 mtl-2.2.1 nats-1 old-locale- parallel- prelude-extras-0.4 primitive-0.6 profunctors-5.1.1 random-1.1 reflection-2 safe-0.3.9 scientific- semigroupoids- semigroups- singletons- stm-2.4.4 syb-0.5.1 tagged-0.8.1 text- tf-random-0.5 th-desugar-1.5.4 th-expand-syns- th-lift-0.7.2 th-orphans-0.12.1 th-reify-many-0.1.3 transformers-compat- unbound-generics- unordered-containers- uu-interleaved- uu-parsinglib-2.9.1 vector- void-0.7 wl-pprint-text- martin@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ ghci Fir.hs ^C martin@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ ghci FIR.hs GHCi, version 7.10.1: :? for help [1 of 1] Compiling FIR ( FIR.hs, interpreted )

FIR.hs:9:14: Ambiguous occurrence ‘foldl’ It could refer to either ‘Prelude.foldl’, imported from ‘Prelude’ at FIR.hs:1:8-10 (and originally defined in ‘Data.Foldable’) or ‘CLaSH.Prelude.foldl’, imported from ‘CLaSH.Prelude’ at FIR.hs:3:1-20 (and originally defined in ‘CLaSH.Sized.Vector’)

FIR.hs:9:35: Ambiguous occurrence ‘zipWith’ It could refer to either ‘Prelude.zipWith’, imported from ‘Prelude’ at FIR.hs:1:8-10 (and originally defined in ‘GHC.List’) or ‘CLaSH.Prelude.zipWith’, imported from ‘CLaSH.Prelude’ at FIR.hs:3:1-20 (and originally defined in ‘CLaSH.Sized.Vector’)

FIR.hs:12:15: Illegal operator ‘+’ in type ‘n + 1’ Use TypeOperators to allow operators in types

FIR.hs:12:17: Illegal type: ‘1’ Perhaps you intended to use DataKinds

FIR.hs:18:29: Illegal type: ‘16’ Perhaps you intended to use DataKinds

FIR.hs:18:51: Illegal type: ‘16’ Perhaps you intended to use DataKinds

FIR.hs:19:40: Illegal type: ‘16’ Perhaps you intended to use DataKinds

FIR.hs:21:29: Illegal type: ‘16’ Perhaps you intended to use DataKinds

FIR.hs:22:45: Illegal type: ‘16’ Perhaps you intended to use DataKinds

FIR.hs:24:34: Illegal type: ‘16’ Perhaps you intended to use DataKinds

FIR.hs:25:48: Illegal type: ‘16’ Perhaps you intended to use DataKinds Failed, modules loaded: none. Prelude> ghc --version

:2:1: Not in scope: ‘ghc’ Prelude> quit; :3:5: parse error on input ‘;’ Prelude> :quit Leaving GHCi. martin@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ ghc --version The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.10.1 martin@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ ghc-pkg check Warning: haddock-interfaces: /home/martin/.cabal/share/doc/i386-linux-ghc-7.10.1/nats-1/html/nats.haddock doesn't exist or isn't a file martin@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ clash --interactive -v3 FIR.hs CLaSHi, version 0.5.10 (using clash-lib, version 0.5.9): :? for help Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version 7.10.1, stage 2 booted by GHC version 7.8.4 Using binary package database: /opt/ghc/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/package.conf.d/package.cache Using binary package database: /home/martin/.ghc/i386-linux-7.10.1/package.conf.d/package.cache wired-in package ghc-prim mapped to ghc-prim- wired-in package integer-gmp mapped to integer-gmp- wired-in package base mapped to base- wired-in package rts mapped to builtin_rts wired-in package template-haskell mapped to template-haskell- wired-in package ghc mapped to ghc-7.10.1-c68fad7c073b01c18711eb22d66d9d8d wired-in package dph-seq not found. wired-in package dph-par not found. Hsc static flags: Loading package ghc-prim- ... linking ... done. **\* gcc: /usr/bin/gcc -U__i686 -fno-stack-protector -DTABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE -L/opt/ghc/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/integ_2aU3IZNMF9a7mQ0OzsZ0dS --print-file-name Loading package integer-gmp- ... linking ... done. Loading package base- ... linking ... done. wired-in package ghc-prim mapped to ghc-prim- wired-in package integer-gmp mapped to integer-gmp- wired-in package base mapped to base- wired-in package rts mapped to builtin_rts wired-in package template-haskell mapped to template-haskell- wired-in package ghc mapped to ghc-7.10.1-c68fad7c073b01c18711eb22d66d9d8d wired-in package dph-seq not found. wired-in package dph-par not found. Loading package transformers- ... linking ... done. Loading package array- ... linking ... done. Loading package deepseq- ... linking ... done. Loading package containers- ... linking ... done. Loading package hoopl- ... linking ... done. Loading package bytestring- ... linking ... done. Loading package binary- ... linking ... done. Loading package filepath- ... linking ... done. Loading package time- ... linking ... done. **\* gcc: /usr/bin/gcc -U__i686 -fno-stack-protector -DTABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE -L/opt/ghc/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/unix_G4Yo1pNtYrk8nCq1cx8P9d --print-file-name **\* gcc: /usr/bin/gcc -U__i686 -fno-stack-protector -DTABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE -L/opt/ghc/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/unix_G4Yo1pNtYrk8nCq1cx8P9d --print-file-name **\* gcc: /usr/bin/gcc -U__i686 -fno-stack-protector -DTABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE -L/opt/ghc/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/unix_G4Yo1pNtYrk8nCq1cx8P9d --print-file-name **\* gcc: /usr/bin/gcc -U__i686 -fno-stack-protector -DTABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE -L/opt/ghc/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/unix_G4Yo1pNtYrk8nCq1cx8P9d --print-file-name Loading package unix- ... linking ... done. Loading package directory- ... linking ... done. Loading package bin-package-db- ... linking ... done. Loading package pretty- ... linking ... done. Loading package process- ... linking ... done. Loading package hpc- ... linking ... done. Loading package template-haskell- ... linking ... done. Loading package ghc-7.10.1 ... linking ... done. Loading package ghc-tcplugins-extra-0.1 ... linking ... done. Loading package ghc-typelits-natnormalise-0.3 ... linking ... done. Coercing a value in getValueSafely... Successfully evaluated coercion **\* Chasing dependencies: Chasing modules from: Stable obj: [] Stable BCO: [] unload: retaining objs [] unload: retaining bcos [] Ready for upsweep [] Upsweep completely successful. **\* Deleting temp files: Deleting: **\* Chasing dependencies: Chasing modules from: _FIR.hs Stable obj: [] Stable BCO: [] unload: retaining objs [] unload: retaining bcos [] Ready for upsweep [NONREC ModSummary { ms_hs_date = 2015-07-10 11:57:31.718435769 UTC ms_mod = FIR, ms_textual_imps = [import CLaSH.Prelude] ms_srcimps = [] }] *_\* Deleting temp files: Deleting: compile: input file FIR.hs Created temporary directory: /tmp/ghc2902_0 **\* Checking old interface for FIR: [1 of 1] Compiling FIR ( FIR.hs, interpreted ) **\* Parser: **\* Renamer/typechecker: Coercing a value in getValueSafely... Successfully evaluated coercion **\* Simplify: **\* CorePrep: **\* ByteCodeGen: Loading package random-1.1 ... linking ... done. Loading package primitive-0.6 ... linking ... clash: unable to load package `primitive-0.6'
christiaanb commented 9 years ago

Sorry, can you give me the output of one more:

ghci -XDataKinds -XNoImplicitPrelude -XTypeOperators -XTemplateHaskell -v3 FIR.hs

The thing is.... I cannot reproduce the bug on any of my machines.

hoyeunglee commented 9 years ago

martin@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ ghci -XDataKinds -XNoImplicitPrelude -XTypeOperators -XTemplateHaskell -v3 FIR.hs GHCi, version 7.10.1: :? for help Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version 7.10.1, stage 2 booted by GHC version 7.8.4 Using binary package database: /opt/ghc/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/package.conf.d/package.cache Using binary package database: /home/martin/.ghc/i386-linux-7.10.1/package.conf.d/package.cache wired-in package ghc-prim mapped to ghc-prim- wired-in package integer-gmp mapped to integer-gmp- wired-in package base mapped to base- wired-in package rts mapped to builtin_rts wired-in package template-haskell mapped to template-haskell- wired-in package ghc mapped to ghc-7.10.1-c68fad7c073b01c18711eb22d66d9d8d wired-in package dph-seq not found. wired-in package dph-par not found. Hsc static flags: Loading package ghc-prim- ... linking ... done. * gcc: /usr/bin/gcc -U__i686 -fno-stack-protector -DTABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE -L/opt/ghc/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/integ_2aU3IZNMF9a7mQ0OzsZ0dS --print-file-name Loading package integer-gmp- ... linking ... done. Loading package base- ... linking ... done. wired-in package ghc-prim mapped to ghc-prim- wired-in package integer-gmp mapped to integer-gmp- wired-in package base mapped to base- wired-in package rts mapped to builtin_rts wired-in package template-haskell mapped to template-haskell- wired-in package ghc mapped to ghc-7.10.1-c68fad7c073b01c18711eb22d66d9d8d wired-in package dph-seq not found. wired-in package dph-par not found. * Chasing dependencies: Chasing modules from: Stable obj: [] Stable BCO: [] unload: retaining objs [] unload: retaining bcos [] Ready for upsweep [] Upsweep completely successful. * Deleting temp files: Deleting: * Chasing dependencies: Chasing modules from: _FIR.hs Stable obj: [] Stable BCO: [] unload: retaining objs [] unload: retaining bcos [] Ready for upsweep [NONREC ModSummary { ms_hs_date = 2015-07-10 11:57:31.718435769 UTC ms_mod = FIR, ms_textual_imps = [import CLaSH.Prelude] mssrcimps = [] }] ** Deleting temp files: Deleting: compile: input file FIR.hs Created temporary directory: /tmp/ghc3489_0 * Checking old interface for FIR: [1 of 1] Compiling FIR ( FIR.hs, interpreted ) * Parser: * Renamer/typechecker: * Simplify: * CorePrep: * ByteCodeGen: Loading package transformers- ... linking ... done. Loading package array- ... linking ... done. Loading package deepseq- ... linking ... done. Loading package bytestring- ... linking ... done. Loading package containers- ... linking ... done. Loading package binary- ... linking ... done. Loading package pretty- ... linking ... done. Loading package time- ... linking ... done. Loading package random-1.1 ... linking ... done. Loading package template-haskell- ... linking ... done. Loading package primitive-0.6 ... linking ... done. Loading package tf-random-0.5 ... linking ... done. Loading package QuickCheck-2.8.1 ... linking ... done. Loading package data-default-class-0.0.1 ... linking ... done. Loading package data-default-instances-base-0.0.1 ... linking ... done. Loading package data-default-instances-containers-0.0.1 ... linking ... done. Loading package dlist- ... linking ... done. Loading package data-default-instances-dlist-0.0.1 ... linking ... done. Loading package old-locale- ... linking ... done. Loading package data-default-instances-old-locale-0.0.1 ... linking ... done. Loading package data-default-0.5.3 ... linking ... done. Loading package filepath- ... linking ... done. * gcc: /usr/bin/gcc -U__i686 -fno-stack-protector -DTABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE -L/opt/ghc/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/unix_G4Yo1pNtYrk8nCq1cx8P9d --print-file-name * gcc: /usr/bin/gcc -Ui686 -fno-stack-protector -DTABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE -L/opt/ghc/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/unix_G4Yo1pNtYrk8nCq1cx8P9d --print-file-name *\ gcc: /usr/bin/gcc -Ui686 -fno-stack-protector -DTABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE -L/opt/ghc/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/unix_G4Yo1pNtYrk8nCq1cx8P9d --print-file-name * gcc: /usr/bin/gcc -U__i686 -fno-stack-protector -DTABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE -L/opt/ghc/7.10.1/lib/ghc-7.10.1/unix_G4Yo1pNtYrk8nCq1cx8P9d --print-file-name Loading package unix- ... linking ... done. Loading package directory- ... linking ... done. Loading package bin-package-db- ... linking ... done. Loading package hoopl- ... linking ... done. Loading package hpc- ... linking ... done. Loading package process- ... linking ... done. Loading package ghc-7.10.1 ... linking ... done. Loading package ghc-tcplugins-extra-0.1 ... linking ... done. Loading package ghc-typelits-natnormalise-0.3 ... linking ... done. Loading package base-orphans-0.4.0 ... linking ... done. Loading package text- ... linking ... done. Loading package hashable- ... linking ... done. Loading package nats-1 ... linking ... done. Loading package unordered-containers- ... linking ... done. Loading package semigroups- ... linking ... done. Loading package tagged-0.8.1 ... linking ... done. Loading package bifunctors-5 ... linking ... done. Loading package stm-2.4.4 ... linking ... done. Loading package StateVar- ... linking ... done. Loading package transformers-compat- ... linking ... done. Loading package void-0.7 ... linking ... done. Loading package contravariant- ... linking ... done. Loading package distributive-0.4.4 ... linking ... done. Loading package comonad-4.2.6 ... linking ... done. Loading package mtl-2.2.1 ... linking ... done. Loading package exceptions- ... linking ... done. Loading package prelude-extras-0.4 ... linking ... done. Loading package profunctors-5.1.1 ... linking ... done. Loading package semigroupoids- ... linking ... done. Loading package free-4.12.1 ... linking ... done. Loading package adjunctions-4.2.1 ... linking ... done. Loading package kan-extensions-4.2.2 ... linking ... done. Loading package parallel- ... linking ... done. Loading package reflection-2 ... linking ... done. Loading package vector- ... linking ... done. Loading package lens-4.12 ... linking ... done. Loading package syb-0.5.1 ... linking ... done. Loading package th-lift-0.7.2 ... linking ... done. Loading package safe-0.3.9 ... linking ... done. Loading package th-expand-syns- ... linking ... done. Loading package th-reify-many-0.1.3 ... linking ... done. Loading package th-orphans-0.12.1 ... linking ... done. Loading package th-desugar-1.5.4 ... linking ... done. Loading package singletons- ... linking ... done. Loading package clash-prelude-0.9.1 ... linking ... done. * Simplify: * CorePrep: * ByteCodeGen: * Simplify: * CorePrep: * ByteCodeGen: * Desugar: Result size of Desugar (after optimization) = {terms: 150, types: 238, coercions: 111} * Simplifier: Result size of Simplifier iteration=1 = {terms: 160, types: 279, coercions: 296} Result size of Simplifier = {terms: 150, types: 269, coercions: 255} * Tidy Core: Result size of Tidy Core = {terms: 150, types: 269, coercions: 255} * CorePrep: Result size of CorePrep = {terms: 258, types: 382, coercions: 255} * ByteCodeGen: Upsweep completely successful. ** Deleting temp files: Deleting: /tmp/ghc3489_0/ghc3489_2.c /tmp/ghc3489_0/ghc3489_1.o Warning: deleting non-existent /tmp/ghc3489_0/ghc3489_2.c Warning: deleting non-existent /tmp/ghc3489_0/ghc3489_1.o Ok, modules loaded: FIR. FIR>

christiaanb commented 9 years ago

Thanks for all the help. I think I know what might be going on. Can you try the following:


clash -- --info | grep "GHC Dynamic"

If the output of the above is:

 ,("GHC Dynamic","NO")

Can you then try:

cabal install clash-ghc --enable-executable-dynamic
clash --interactive FIR.hs

And if the output of clash -- --info | grep "GHC Dynamic" is:

,("GHC Dynamic","YES")

Can you then try:

cabal install clash-ghc --disable-executable-dynamic
clash --interactive FIR.hs
hoyeunglee commented 9 years ago

run this with no error output cabal install clash-ghc --enable-executable-dynamic clash --interactive FIR.hs

when run this disable, it has primitive 0.6 error cabal install clash-ghc --disable-executable-dynamic clash --interactive FIR.hs

christiaanb commented 9 years ago

Thank you for all the help. I will update the installation instructions so that people install clash using cabal install clash-ghc --enable-executable-dynamic