Open martijnbastiaan opened 5 years ago
FWIW the I
suffix is currently used throughout the code base to imply an implicit typelevel Nat.
Has any progress been made here? I've been looking for a high-level HDL suitable for writing clockless circuits (heavy use of D Latches and C Elements) and I'd really love to be able to do it with Clash.
I've basically lost my mind trying to search for HDLs that are good for clockless circuits because I can only find references to a "Haste" and a "TiDE" that seem to not exist.
@s5bug I would love that as well, and while I've spend some time on investigating clockless (like 80 hours if I had to guess) circuits, I haven't really spend enough to understand:
What I mean by that, currently in Clash we model clocked sequential logic as functions operating on infinite streams, where the elements of these streams represent the "stable" (in the not violating setup+hold timing sense) values, spaced equally in time in correspondence to the clock.
So in a clockless world, we have multiple options:
module ClocklessPure where
import Control.Applicative
type Time = Float newtype Signal a = S { runS :: Time -> (a, Signal a) }
instance Functor Signal where fmap f s = S $ \t -> let (a,sC) = runS s t in (f a, fmap f sC)
instance Applicative Signal where pure a = let q = S (const (a,q)) in q fS <> aS = S $ \t -> let (f,fC) = runS fS t (a,aC) = runS aS t in (f a, fC <> aC)
gatedDLatch :: Signal Bool -> Signal a -> Signal a
gatedDLatch enaF dF = S $ \t -> let
val = (0.0,undefined)
in go val enaF dF t
go :: (Time,a)
-> Signal Bool
-> Signal a
-> Time
-> (a, Signal a)
go (tP,qP) enaF dF t =
if tP <= t then let
(ena,enaC) = runS enaF t
-- TODO: does stuff break if we only evaluate/force
-- dF
inside the ena == True
(d,dC) = runS dF t
in if ena then
(d, S (\t -> go (t,d) enaC dC t))
(qP, S (\t -> go (tP,qP) enaC dC t))
error "sampling time must flow forward"
fromList :: [(Time,a)] -> Signal a fromList [] = error "empty list" fromList q@((t,a):as) = S $ \tC -> if tC <= t then (a,fromList q) else runS (fromList as) tC
simulate :: (Signal a -> Signal b) -> [(Time,a)] -> [(Time,b)] simulate f samplesIn = go (f (fromList samplesIn)) (fst <$> samplesIn) where go _ [] = error "finite list" go s (t:ts) = let (b,sC) = runS s t bs = go sC ts in ((t,b):bs)
where we could then model and test an accumulator like so:
mux = liftA3 (\b t f -> if b then t else f)
accumulate rst ena d =
let s1 = gatedDLatch ena (mux rst (pure 0) (liftA2 (+) s2 d))
s2 = gatedDLatch (not <$> ena) s1
in s1
unbundle abc = ( fmap (\(a,_,_) -> a) abc
, fmap (\(_,b,_) -> b) abc
, fmap (\(_,_,c) -> c) abc)
test = simulate ((\(r,en,d) -> accumulate r en d) . unbundle) $
zip [0,0.1 ..]
((True,True,0):(False,False,0):go [1..10])
-- strobe enable for every element
go [] = []
go (a:as) = (False,True,a):(False,False,a):go as
and observe the results:
ghci> test
[(0.0,0),(0.1,0),(0.2,1),(0.3,1),(0.4,3),(0.5,3),(0.6,6),(0.7,6),(0.8,10),(0.90000004,10),(1.0,15),(1.1,15),(1.2,21),(1.3000001,21),(1.4,28),(1.5,28),(1.6,36),(1.7,36),(1.8000001,45),(1.9,45),(2.0,55),(2.1000001,55)*** Exception: finite list
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at ClocklessPure.hs:57:17 in main:ClocklessPure
ghci> snd <$> test
[0,0,1,1,3,3,6,6,10,10,15,15,21,21,28,28,36,36,45,45,55,55*** Exception: finite list
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at ClocklessPure.hs:57:17 in main:ClocklessPure
I'm not a clockless circuit designer, so I don't really have clue what a desirable API is. It would be really helpful if someone experienced in clockless design could:
I'm not experienced, but I'm working through Introduction to Asynchronous Circuit Design by Jens Sparsø, so I don't have much of the knowledge you want, but I can provide some starting points:
Obviously there's the bit D Latch:
bitDlatch (en, d) = (q, qbar)
q = !(qbar || (en && !d))
qbar = !(q || (en && d))
This can be composed into a dlatch
that holds an arbitrary value, i.e. one that looks like (Bool, a) -> a
There's also the C Element:
celement (a, b) = y
y = (a && b) || (y && (a || b))
From these you can build the push-based asynchronous version of the DFF (I haven't made it to Chapter 10 where pull-based circuits are discussed):
echo (lReq, rAck, lData) = (rReq, lAck, rData)
ready = celement (not rAck, lReq)
rReq = ready
lAck = ready
rData = dlatch (ready, lData)
I'm fairly certain (but by no means entirely certain!) that the intended behavior of this circuit is:
is set highdlatch
, and then set rReq
high, and wait for rAck
to be set highrAck
is set high, it should set lAck
is allowed to be set low, and this should bring lAck
lowAnd you could chain those together to build a FIFO:
fifo (lReq, rAck, lData) = (rReq, lAck, rData)
(req1, lAck, data1) = echo (lReq, ack1, lData)
(req2, ack1, data2) = echo (req1, ack2, data1)
(rReq, ack2, rData) = echo (req2, rAck, data2)
There's a lot of mutual recursion here, which I assume is very hard to deal with. The interactive simulator I was using for the equivalent circuits in Verilog, DigitalJS, handled the echo
circuit just fine, but completely gave up when faced with fifo
Once we figure out a satisfactory way to do clockless registers (similar to asynchronous resets maybe?):
Alternatively, we would create a separate module where ALL the kinds of registers are exported with systematic naming. Something like (for the record: I don't know whether all these kinds of latches are actually possible):