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Quality control against Joana's 1 - 60 leveling guide [Video 2/54 (6 - 13 Durotar)] #899

Open Phatcat opened 7 years ago

Phatcat commented 7 years ago

(was recorded in early 2006 so patch differences may apply!

1:14 Orgnil Soulscar is supposed to bow when you interact with him initially (to turn in the quest) currently he does nothing. Then he's supposed to do "!" animation once you accept the follow-up, once again he currently does nothing. already doing that animation after he's explained the quest details.

10:15 It should be possible to outrun these mobs. That's not possible on cmangos as they run faster than players. (That probably goes for basically all mobs in basically all level 1 - 10 zones)

22:51 Quests are displayed in wrong order When you select the quest 'Vanquish the Betrayers' on the gossip menu he is supposed to do some sort of salute(?) animation. On cmangos he does /talk Then when you do new interaction with him he's not supposed to do any animation but currently he does /talk He should do /talk animation when you select 'Time for Wrckage' to turn in at his gossip menu without having completed it, currently he does nothing. He is supposed to do /question animation when you select to turn in quest 'The Admiral's Orders' from his gossip menu, currently he does /talk and when you press 'continue' he's supposed to do /talk, currently he does nothing.

23:46 Furl Scornbrow (NPC) is supposed to do /talk animation when you interact with him and /cheer animation when you press 'continue' on the quest, currently he does /talk when you interact with him, so this guy is just missing his /cheer animation.

24:15 Inkeeper is missing gossip choise "What can I do at an inn?" on cmangos. I wonder what the innkeeper would tell you if you chose this...

27:00 ( - 27:35ish) The sea creatures around these parts are supposed to be Makrura Clacker and (going by the video) NOT Makrura Shellhide - which even uses a whole other colour scheme,

29:36 Pygmy Surf Crawler is supposed to have, and use, his swim animation and not his walk animation in a buggy way when he is uing combat movement unnder water and he cannot do a clear path only using the sea floor.

33:55 This is where the Makrura Shellhide creatures are supposed to be located at.

47:56 The big thorny thing Joana runs under at this point in the video; on cmangos there is a Razormane Scout who has some very weird movement on and around that area.

53:03 The orientation and location when returning to Razor Hill using your hearthstone is wrong in cmangos. You also seem to keep your target until you've actually reached your destination. this seems very unimportant to emulate imho.

54:25 The questgiver should unequip his weapon on initial ineraction, but not do any animation, he should do /talk animation when you select the quest From the Wreckage... he should do /talk animation (which he does, yay), he should howecver also do /talk when you choose the reward which he doesn't.

1:02:35 Master Vornal should bow when you press 'continue', currently he doesn't. He does /talk when you interact with him, though.

1:02:49 The weapon's merchant Trayexir should display his goods in this order; quivers -> arrows -> bows -> swords -> axes -> ... This may have something to do with what class you are? Quivers, arrows and bows being first when a hunter speaks to him..

1:05:05 and 1:07:34 Bloodtalon Tailasher is supposed to use it's charge ability even if it is affected by a movement impairing effect, and it is not supposed to break the movement impairing either. Also the damage of the charge ability seems to be way overpowered for the level (30+, critting for 65+) - attack feels severely overpowered.

1:08:38 You should be able to outrun Vodoo Troll (and probably all other mobs in this and other level 1 - 10 zones) currently you're not able to outrun them (like reported slightly earlier)

1:19:00 ish Zalazane doesn't drop his head, a quest item which should be a 100% drop. Killed him a couple of times. No head. (ItemID: 4866) seems to drop for other people.

1:19:12 the Taillasher's Egg object joana is looting here is missing on cmangos (not the object or item itself, just this particular one)

1:24:55 ~~the Durotar Tiger's don't drop any loot, they are supposed to drop both the quest item 'Durotar Tiger Fur' (itemID 4892) as well as random animal trash loot of its type and level on cmangos none of them seem to drop anything, ever.~~ once again seems to be dropping for others.

1:29:10 another egg location cmangos is missing (look at the point above the one above this one)

1:30:59 The location and orientation when release your spirit is wrong in cmangos (however the right graveyard) The spirit healer is also not located in the right spot or with the right orientation either.

1:31:21 This questgiver (Master Gadrin) is not supposed to do any animation when initiate with him or want to turn in the quest Minshina's Skull currently he does /talk animation during turn-in of said quest; he should however cast a spell on the player (when you press complete), and this spell is supposed to summon the spirit of a troll besides you, looking in your direction and bows; we do not get to see any more of this event sadly. On cmangos the troll is not summoned via any spell, and he seems to rather bow at his brother than at you.

1:31:36 When you press continue while turning in the quest he should do /talk animation, currently he doesn't. He does his other animation correctly, though.

1:32:00 The guard in the middle is missing on cmangos

1:35:45 Killing these made my client bug out and display the quest twice in the tracker

1:39:58 The questgiver is supposed to cry while giving you the quest - pressing accept does not stop her crying (with sound), on cmangos she does nothing currently also whatever scorpion joana is killing right after accepting the quest I could not find on cmangos (I know mobs wander, but I couldn't find it anywhere nearby, like at all)

1:42:30 the Dustwind Pillager's as well as the Dustwind Harpy's have the wrong models; they should have black feathers, on cmangos they only have blue and purple feathers respectively (which is wrong on both) on cmangos there is a bag next to the cacti on the other side (which there maybe shouldn't even be)

1:44:23 Another bag of supplies which is missing on cmangos, where once again we have a bag of supplies on the opposite site on cmangos (which it probably shouldn't be)

1:44:57 the bag we see someone snatch in the distance is not there on cmangos (he may have taken the bag on the other side (the one mentioned above which maybe shouldn't be there)

1:46:50 we see 3 harpys in joana's path; on cmangos there are none in that path; there may also be missing harpys earlier in the area since joana did seem to need to clear more than me earlier as well

1:43:10 There should be a bag of supplies here, but on cmangos the object is missing.

1:51:10 Turning in this quest should NOT make you neutral with the 3 goblin towns, but it does on cmangos. It shouls ay 'quest completed' in the chat log, currently it does not (took me long to notice that one)

1:52:58 (in the background also at 1:53:10) The wolf riders (Raiders) should take breaks here and let their wolves drink at the water thing. I wated around for them for quite a bit, then never showed up on cmangos... So I went looking for them and found them just outside the town;

You can interact with Raider Jhash - if you do so it seems like you break his script cause he stops moving altogether. Raider Kerr seems to be almost naked on cmangos. he may be missing some gear... Also the raiders seems very keen on killing creepers and crawlers that are not even close to the road

I followed them their entire path (sure didn't take long in walking speed -.-), and they never go up to drink water on cmangos.

1:53:10 When Gar'Thok only has 1 quest left for you to turn in it should skip his gossip menu and go straight into the quest and jump straight to the page where you press 'complete' - no animation on him anymore. on cmangos you have to go through his gossip menu as well as press 'continue on the quest', and he does animations.

1:53:17 and 3:38:45 This guy should not be able to refund your talent points (probably goes similar trainers under similar circumstances) When you select the quest 'Taming the Beast' from his gossip menu he should do the /talk animation, on cmangos he doesn't.

1:55:00 Thotar should do /talk animation when he starts talking about the follow-up

1:59:50 Thotar should not do talk animation when you select to turn in the quest in the gossip menu, he should however nod when you press continue and /talk when he begins talking about the follow up

2:01:34 exactly like above

2:04:54 Corrupted Surf Crawlers are missing altogether (EntryID: 3228) (also the damage of pets seem to be scaled slightly too high)

2:07:40 There should be raptors around here, on cmangos there are scorpids

2:07:55 Questgiver should do /talk animation when he presents the quest for you to accept. currently does nothing.

2:11:10 Ormak Grimshot should not be having a melee weapon on his back but rather a bow in his left hand. also he should nod when you select to turn in the quest on his gossip menu and 'cast' the new abilities at you (like a class trainer) while currently you just get them with no animation furthermore, it should not be shown in the chat log that you are awarded pet skills growl rank 1 and rank 2

~~2:13:30 Narzgrul or whatever his name is (it's hard to make out) is missing from cmangos altogether, and so the guy you turn in the quest at is all wrong Also the animations/emotes his 'substitute' on cmangos does are not correct either.~~

Thrall should do /talk animation when you select his quest from the quest gossip menu, currently does nothing

2:14:50 this guy is not supposed to have a gossip menu, only a quest, and he is supposed to do /talk animation when he talks about it, on cmangos he has an empty gossip menu (default) and no animation/emotes

2:16:52 skills are shown in the wrong order on cmangos.

~~2:31:25 (and a few minutes forward) Just like with the tiger's not dropping tiger fur these Venomtail Scorpids don't drop the quest item they're supposed to. Like with the tigers I killed around 10, no quest loot, no trash loot.~~

2:33:14 Like with the tigers and the scorpids, these crocolisks don't have a chance to drop the quest item meddalion thing (Kron's Amulet) Going off the video, the context of the quest as well as the amount of crokolisks in he area I'd guess this quest item had a 2/4 - 3/4 drop chance; somewhere in the very high at least (I'm thinking the same for the tiger's fur and scorpid poison sac things)

2:36:20 Misha Tor'kren should cry when you press continue (with sound - also sounds like she says help me?), she currently doesn't do any of that on cmangos.

2:42:37 Fizzle Darkstorm should be located at the small crater symbol thing in the ground, and he should drop Fizzle's claw

2:49:02 Questgiver should not do /talk animation when you approach him, he currently does. He should also cheer when you press continue, he currently doesn't.

2:51:50 Margoz should bow when you have the quest to complete with him When you accept his follow-up quest he should start to talk, at least do /talk animation currently he doesn't do any of those.

~~2:53:30 The burning Blade mobs around here should drop Searing Collar at a reasonably high rate; they don't drop them at all currently.~~

2:58:38 Gazz'uz is staring into the cave wall on cmangos instead of looking out over the water like he should. He does not drop the Eye of Burning Shadow with a 100% chance for all group members like he should (he doesn't drop it at all) also he has several spawn points (3:03:40 - we see him spawn in the top of the cave here)

~~3:22:24 The Burning Blade Apprentice' should have a low chance to drop the Lieutenant's Insignia, on cmangos it doesn't seem to ever drop (wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't on their loot table)~~

3:24:38 Margoz should not do /talk animation when you interact with him initially to turn in the quest. He should start casting as soon as you have chosen a reward and completed the quest, on cmangos he doesn't.

3:29:15 Thrall is not supposed to stand on the top step on the same level as his throne, he is supposed to stand at the bottom of the stairs (he is level with joana in the vid) Thrall on cmangos is missing his gossip text. It just says "Greetings " as his gossip menu, while on retail he had a page full of text. When you press 'continue' he should do some... I don't know, raging outburst animation? currently doesn't. When you select the followup by the same name from his gossip menu he is supposed to do /talk animation, currently doesn't.

3:30:21 Kor'ghan is supposed to go straight to the quest and skip the gossip menu, on cmangos it shows the default one. The question mark above his head should not be blue, but rather yellow ... He is supposed to do both /talk on initial contact and /talk when you press continue He should also have a follow-up quest, on cmangos he doesn't...

3:30:37 Neeru Fireblade He is not supposed to do any animation when you select the Neeru Fireblade quest from the menu He is supposed to start doing some fancy emotions both animation and chat log wise while perhaps also some spell visuals when you accept the follow-up quest. Whole event seems missing from cmangos. He should still be willing to tell his story even if you have heard it, on cmangos that option disappears from his gossip menu.

3:31:50 This guy is missing altogether from cmangos (or may be misplaced) .. Officer Redblade?

3:32:15 Once again, gossip menu missing from thrall (this may be different than the previous one) He is supposed to cheer when you select the quest from the gossip menu

3:35:09 Rhinag should bow when you press continue, currently he doesn't. After you have pressed complete quest he should start "talking" (doing /talk animation out into nothingness)

3:39:07 When you accept the quest from Takrin Pathseeker he should point and maybe say some stuff, on cmangos he doesn't do anything.

General issues:

Too much reputation on quests! already at 54:30 I hit honored with the trolls, Joana did not! At 1:31:21 I hit honored with orgrimmar (after turning in the first, not the second, quest) Joana has yet to reach honored with the trolls yet...

Jaypy commented 7 years ago

Hey, nice research. Quick question: Are we supposed to discuss each issue in this thread or independantly create an issue for them all or just straight up commit solutions? I'm not that well-versed with the procedure for fixing stuff on here yet.

Phatcat commented 7 years ago

Normally, what we want to do is raise issues for each individual issue, but since they all come from the same video I gathered them in one, as it felt easier and less bloated.

The best of course would be to straight up PR solutions which solve the issues,, but any additional info on any of the given issues would be welcome, and some of the stuff here may be duplicate reporting, so it would not be outright wrong to move them out into their own issues but it may be time slightly wasted compared to 'just' solving them (I use the word just lightly, some of the issues may be tricky ones, havn't looked into it much myself yet..)

Jaypy commented 7 years ago

I'm working on this, but not sure how to assign myself. Is that something you can do for me?

Phatcat commented 7 years ago

I am so happy to hear that, anyone wanting to contribute is more than welcome =)

Short answer, no. Not that I wouldn't want to, though.

Assignees is an internal thing mostly, not sure there's a way to assign people here on github outside the organization either, like, at all. You'd have to become a member of the organization for me to be able to assign you as far as I can tell, but then you'd be able to assign yourself anyways.

Also it's used somewhat lightly around here, mostly just to reflect that a dev has taken interest in and is taking on responsibility for that issue / pr.

Jaypy commented 7 years ago

Gotcha. I'll get back to you when I have more to report or more to ask about ^_^

Jaypy commented 7 years ago

I got through it at last. To sort of not clogg up the issue, here's a pastebin on my notes/review.

It's basically either what I chose to change (which can be found in the coming PR) or, if I couldn't find a solution, my thoughts on the given issue... Enjoy =P

Phatcat commented 7 years ago

Gonna da few quick comments on them here, hope you don't mind =)

Great work and thank you for cracking open this massive list. I'll try and make sure to do my part as well core wise and continuing the series.

Jaypy commented 7 years ago

Yea, no worries about comments. I know the list is really kinda chaotic, and PR probably not perfect so I welcome critique :)

cala commented 7 years ago

I'm currently reviewing this issue+PR. Thanks both of you for the amount of work you've put in, but please, next time split everything into smaller/single issues/PR.

That much is likely to remain open forever and it will be hard to keep track of what is fixed and what remains to be fixed.

Good job anyway. 👍

Phatcat commented 7 years ago

Alright, since Joana's videos are this long and detailed I'll split them into several sections from now on.

cala commented 7 years ago

Thanks! 👍

Also the Voodoo Trolls lightning shield seems way overpowered, on cmangos it does around 13 per hit while joana seems to take 9 in damage. (1:15:35)

1:19:00 ish His heal also seems to be overpowered on cmangos (heals him for about 1/2 of his health, while on retail it heals him about 1/4 - 1/3)

After checking, the spell IDs used seem to be correct (see also So to explain what is seen in the video, either:

Phatcat commented 7 years ago

This one;

1:19:00 ish His heal also seems to be overpowered on cmangos (heals him for about 1/2 of his health, while on retail it heals him about 1/4 - 1/3)

I can see how luck can have a factor in that one. As long as that healing spells is able to heal for as little as it healed in joana's video then I'm content, I guess I did not look into this one enough myself befor ereporting it.

The other one, however;

Also the Voodoo Trolls lightning shield seems way overpowered, on cmangos it does around 13 per hit while joana seems to take 9 in damage. (1:15:35)

That's 50% higher damage than on retail for no apparent reason. Either the mechanics (bonusses are calculated wrong) or they changed the spell DBC. I don't believe them to change the spell dbc on starter content so late in the game, especially not to make starter content harder, they've been doing the exact opposite instead since release.

cala commented 7 years ago

Yes, my explanation was for the healing wave spell alone. I have no explanation for the Lightning Shield other than a wrong calculation in core (I doubt the spell DBC was changed, at least that way). Maybe this is related to this issue were all charges are consumed at once: ? (did not digg any further)

Phatcat commented 7 years ago

Well, for now I can at least move them out of the DB issue and into the core issue where they rightfully belong, at least the lightning shield one, the other one may be a false report... sadly there are a couple of false reports in my joana's issues, for some reason my setup here locally was really messed up and handled scripted stuff and loot all wrong. Should however not affect any later videos I do.

cala commented 7 years ago

I've just check the stats of the NPCs: their damage are wrong, but the HP/MP are correct. Thus, either the mechanics is wrongly handled in core, either Joana was lucky, either the NPCs stats were nerfed between early 2006 and patch 1.12.1 (my opinion goes for the later)

Phatcat commented 7 years ago

well, we can set them aside for now and focus on them later probably. Seems more research into some of these npcs is needed.