classilla / tenfourfox

Mozilla for Power Macintosh.
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Localized versions for feature parity #328

Open classilla opened 7 years ago

classilla commented 7 years ago

This will involve custom strings.

See #42 for history.

chris-chtrusch commented 6 years ago

Updated Locale installers with copyright 2018, fix for print/open/save dialogs and allowing for 'FPRx.y' version strings up to FPR10.5 in the version check routine. I did not use placeholders so we can easily exclude earlier versions of the browser when new custom strings or other changes are introduced that would make the installers incompatible with these versions. Also renamed the installers to show 'FPR' since '45' probably confuses people by now. TFF-FPR.x-Packlangage-Franç

classilla commented 6 years ago

Thanks. Will update on my return (typing from the Death Valley Ranch).

classilla commented 6 years ago

Replaced on home page.

nemanjacosovic commented 6 years ago

How could one join in on translating TFF?

classilla commented 6 years ago

Look at . If you feel able to do so, post the pack as an attachment here and we can get it processed for general availability.

chris-chtrusch commented 6 years ago

There are slight changes in the About Dialog credits/contributers list starting with FPR6. Modified the German installer accordingly. I think it should be sufficient to slip this in for all installers on occasion when something else needs to be fixed or updated.

classilla commented 6 years ago

Do you mean you had to carry the names over? I thought if you just didn't specify that key in the locale, the default English would be used. If there is some English in there, then I should probably fix that at some point.

chris-chtrusch commented 6 years ago

The key is <!ENTITY contribute.start … and yes, there's some English in it.

chris-chtrusch commented 6 years ago

Localizations need updates for samesite cookie support in the developer tools. Line 'table.headers.cookies.sameSite=sameSite' is missing in 45 based localizations in Since the string 'same site' doesn't seem to be translated in FF60 localizations anyway (checked DE, FR, IT), I'll just copy that line over from TFF FPR8b1.

At the same time I'll update the version checker for versions >FPR10 because we're getting near that number, and remove support for <FPR8. We should keep an archive of the installers valid for up to FPR 7.

Also I'll update contributers in the about dialog.

Will post installers here shortly.

chris-chtrusch commented 6 years ago TFF-FPR8-Packlangage-Franç

classilla commented 6 years ago

Great, I will upload these installers with FPR8 final. Thanks!

classilla commented 6 years ago

Uploaded and live.

httpsgithu commented 5 years ago

will it be a chinese version?

chris-chtrusch commented 5 years ago

It can be done. Do you mean Simplified or Traditional Chinese?

The problem is that, unlike Latin, Cyrillic and a little Greek, I'm illiterate in Chinese. I need a volunteer (native speaker if possible) to do quality control and translate a few text strings for functionality that is only in TenFourFox, not in Firefox. Can you do this?

chris-chtrusch commented 5 years ago

I need to update the © date in the about dialog, also update the version checker for TFF 14ff. While I'm at it: Any new strings to add?

paizhangpi commented 5 years ago

It can be done. Do you mean Simplified or Traditional Chinese?

The problem is that, unlike Latin, Cyrillic and a little Greek, I'm illiterate in Chinese. I need a volunteer (native speaker if possible) to do quality control and translate a few text strings for functionality that is only in TenFourFox, not in Firefox. Can you do this?

I'm native speaker, 2 years user of TFF and glad to help the translation of TFF in Simplified Chinese. I read that but it's quite hard for me to understand. Could you please guide me to join the translation if there's a easier way

chris-chtrusch commented 5 years ago

Paizhangpi, I'm just going to need the strings in the attached text file translated to Simplified Chinese, then I can start making the installer app. Thank you! strings to translate.txt

paizhangpi commented 5 years ago

paizhangpi commented 5 years ago

(The Applescript dialogs will have to stay English because Applescript for 10.4 doesn't support non-ascii characters.) (AppleScript对话框将使用英文,因为Mac OS X 10.4的AppleScript不支持非ASCII字符。)

chris-chtrusch commented 5 years ago

Thank you! I will make the installer during the next weekend. I'll try to use the complete sentence in the About Tenfourfox dialog, I suspected such a problem :-)

I forgot this string for the About Tenfourfox dialog: Mozilla Community Credits

paizhangpi commented 5 years ago

That's no problem at all. TenFourFox let my powerful PowerPC Mac reborn, so I'm happy to join the translation of my native language. Feel free to contact me for further problem. the message is from TenFourFox running on my QUAD G5.

Mozilla Community Credits Mozilla 社区贡献者列表

classilla commented 5 years ago

I need to update the © date in the about dialog, also update the version checker for TFF 14ff. While I'm at it: Any new strings to add?

If the MP4 stuff sticks, we might expose that pref. I haven't decided yet, but an "Enable H.264 video" couldn't hurt, I suppose. It's not critical however.

chris-chtrusch commented 5 years ago

Alright, I'll add these; since the grammar should be consistent and we have enough other things that can be 'enabled' I could even translate this myself. I'm planning to upload all new installers incl. Chinese on the weekend.

chris-chtrusch commented 5 years ago

Cameron, can we go with

ENTITY TFFh264.title "H.264 video" ENTITY TFFh264.prompt "Enable H.264 video"

in TenFourFox.dtd, and

TFFh264.title.p = H.264 video TFFh264.prompt.p = Enable H.264 video


classilla commented 5 years ago

I was thinking about that. I think it might be better for the prompt to be

"Enable H.264 video (requires MP4 Enabler)"

but I don't know how feasible that would be with the extra localization phrase. Your call.

chris-chtrusch commented 5 years ago

I'll leave the parentheses in English if I'm unsure and change it in a later edition, it's not being exposed right now anyway.

chris-chtrusch commented 5 years ago

Langpack installers updated for FPR 14+. Changes: • © date in about dialog • contributers in about dialog • h.264 strings • updated version check routine in applescript TFF-FPR14-Packlangage-Franç

chris-chtrusch commented 5 years ago

First draft of langpack installer for Chinese (simplified). Please test.


For the website ('We speak your language') this text needs to be translated, the section in [ ] will contain the link to the installer file:

TenFourFox speaks your language. To install Chinese (simplified) support in TenFourFox FPR, [download this installer], unzip it, and double click the installer to begin.

paizhangpi commented 5 years ago

TenFourFox speaks your language. TenFourFox 会说你的语言。

To install Chinese (simplified) support in TenFourFox FPR, [download this installer], unzip it, and double click the installer to begin. 若想在 TenFourFox FPR 中安装简体中文支持,[下载这个安装包],先将它解压,再双击安装包来开始。

It's a big surprise to meet the Simplified Chinese langpack installer. Since it's 5 AM now in China, I can't test the installer right away. I'll test it later.

paizhangpi commented 5 years ago

It works like a charm! picture

classilla commented 5 years ago


chris-chtrusch commented 5 years ago

Paizhangpi, thank you for your contribution to make this installer possible. If you find anything that should be corrected, please post it here. My own testing is limited in this case because of language constraints.

classilla commented 5 years ago

@chris-chtrusch Are these finalized? If so, I'll upload them this weekend in preparation for FPR14 on Monday.

chris-chtrusch commented 5 years ago

I'm now unable to attach files on Github, not even LWK can do it. I won't be able to contribute here any longer.

Cameron, I emailed you the final Chinese installer, everything else was final as of Apr 6, 2019.

classilla commented 5 years ago

I got it, thanks. Unfortunately I'm doing most of the work on Github from the Talos now for that reason. I'm cautiously hopeful about the async/await patch, but we'll see.

classilla commented 5 years ago

All new localizations (including Simplified Chinese, thank you, @paizhangpi ) are uploaded and live.

skippingrock commented 5 years ago

What is involved to translate it into Korean? Where do we find the strings to translate? Bit of a n00b with GitHub, but willing to help.

chris-chtrusch commented 5 years ago

Hello skippingrock, a Korean localization would be great.

We need the following to be translated:

1) Text strings from the file 'strings to translate.txt' attached to this comment:

2) Additionally we need these strings:

'Mozilla Community Credits' 'H.264 video' 'Enable H.264 video (requires MP4 Enabler)'

3) For the website ('We speak your language') this text needs to be translated, the section in [ ] will contain the link to the installer file:

'TenFourFox speaks your language. To install Korean support in TenFourFox FPR, [download this installer], unzip it, and double click the installer to begin.'

twse commented 5 years ago

Hi Chris Trusch,

I've translated all strings to Korean and Turkish (see the attachments). All attachments are using macOS line endings. strings to translate (ko).txt strings to translate (tr).txt

The following strings are also translated:

Mozilla Community Credits

H.264 video

Enable H.264 video (requires MP4 Enabler)

TenFourFox speaks your language.

To install [Korean/Turkish] support in TenFourFox FPR, [download this installer], unzip it, and double click the installer to begin.

It needs the installer packages created for Korean and Turkish.

classilla commented 5 years ago

Hey, thanks!

Chris, when you've compiled them, send me an E-mail and I'll give you an alternative upload link that will send them directly to me (unless you have another system that can attach them).

chris-chtrusch commented 5 years ago

Thank you, that was more than I expected :-) I will make the installers next week.

텐포폭스는 플러드갭 시스템에서 지원하는 무료 소프트웨어입니다. Can you mark where "TenFourFox" and "Floodgap Systems" are located in this sentence? These will need to stay in Roman characters since they're filled in by the browser itself; I can juggle the parts around so the word order will be correct but I need to know which is which.

twse commented 5 years ago

Hi Chris Trusch.

I changed TenFourFox and Floodgap Systems in the Korean translation to use Latin characters. strings to translate (ko).txt

chris-chtrusch commented 5 years ago

Thank you so much. I don't know what the conventions in Korean are, but would it be acceptable to exchange all instances of 텐포폭스 for TenFourFox (Roman) (with or without article 는)? As it stands now, it's a bit inconsistent. And: Which flag(s) do you feel we should use for the Korean installer app?

classilla commented 5 years ago

If we have any North Korean users, I'll be impressed.

chris-chtrusch commented 5 years ago

Korean installer's ready to test. I left everything as it was translated originally. Turkish installer tomorrow.

chris-chtrusch commented 5 years ago

Cameron: I uploaded the Turkish installer and a corrected version of the Korean installer (fixed bug in localization of add-ons) to the private link.

To keep the Turkish word order in the About TenFourFox Dialog I had to use an invisible n space character (UTF#2002) to separate the parts left and right of <!ENTITY community.start2 since a normal space wouldn't do, it would then read 'TenFourFoxFloodgap Systems tarafından desteklenen ücretsiz bir yazılımdır.' This is the first language we have that has nothing in this slot, tested in 10.4 and 10.5, but please re-test whether it's displayed correctly.

classilla commented 5 years ago

Can you upload them again one more time? I see the uploads were attempted but there are no files. I saw the Korean one come through yesterday but somehow that disappeared as well.

classilla commented 5 years ago

Okay, I'm an idiot. I was looking at the wrong folder.

Which one do you want me to upload, or .zip?

chris-chtrusch commented 5 years ago

…the .zip, please. (I changed the file names this time – minus .app – in case your system was caching or overwriting something for the uploads.)

classilla commented 5 years ago

The files check out (zips test fine).