`Execution failed for task ':createDeploymentBucket'.
Cannot create enum from "ap-southeast-2" value!
Um, lil help? My assumption is this is related to the version of aws sdk used, but being reasonably new to gradle in general, and this plugin in particular, I couldn't say for sure.
I am trying to deploy things to the sydney region, thusly
`import com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Policy import com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Principal import com.amazonaws.auth.policy.Statement import com.amazonaws.auth.policy.actions.S3Actions import com.amazonaws.auth.policy.resources.S3BucketResource import com.amazonaws.auth.policy.resources.S3ObjectResource import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.ObjectMetadata import jp.classmethod.aws.gradle.s3.AmazonS3FileUploadTask import jp.classmethod.aws.gradle.s3.BucketPolicyTask import jp.classmethod.aws.gradle.s3.CreateBucketTask import jp.classmethod.aws.gradle.s3.DeleteBucketTask
def primaryRegionName = "ap-southeast-2" def codeDeployBucketName = 'coactive-deploy-s3-bucket'
apply plugin: "jp.classmethod.aws.s3" aws { profileName = "default" region = primaryRegionName
} task createDeploymentBucket( type: CreateBucketTask) { bucketName codeDeployBucketName region primaryRegionName ifNotExists true }
And yet when I do so, I get the following error
`Execution failed for task ':createDeploymentBucket'.
Um, lil help? My assumption is this is related to the version of aws sdk used, but being reasonably new to gradle in general, and this plugin in particular, I couldn't say for sure.