classtranscribe / FrontEnd

The React + Redux Frontend for ClassTranscribe
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Remove jquery #777

Open angrave opened 6 months ago

angrave commented 6 months ago

A search suggests it appears jquery is only used in

./src/screens/Admin/Instructors/InstructorList.jsx ./src/screens/Watch/Utils/keydown.control.js

as a wrapper for getElementById. Once it is no longer needed it remove it from package.json and yarn.lock.

A simple fix would be to replace jquery with native functions. However working directly with html DOM is not the react way of doing things. Is there a better way?

When fixing this, it would be important to fully-understand (and manually check that the arrow key behavior is unchanged) the focus / UI behavior in keydown.control.js i.e.,

Does the implemented behavior work well for users who use a screen reader and keyboard control?

harsh183 commented 1 month ago - first we fix instructor view with a react state

Part 2 with keydown.control.js is a lot more complicated with 58 instances of $. Most of them are finding the element, using length, or focusing, but some have more complicated selectors. It's definitely far from the react way, so I'd recommend

Having jQuery (or even native findElementById) is a code smell, but it's a fairly sizable refactor to fix.