classtranscribe / FrontEnd

The React + Redux Frontend for ClassTranscribe
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[Draft] Upgrade to webpack 5 (via latest react scripts) after react scripts rejects #810

Closed harsh183 closed 1 month ago

harsh183 commented 1 month ago

Trying to fix the issues from, I decided that upgrading react scripts to the latest version and then trying to eject to fix the cryptography bug was the move. Though this ended up opening a can of worms.

I resolved a lot of different bugs till I got yarn test and yarn build working, but yarn start still has a lot of issues. I'm not super convinced upgrading webpack v5 from v4 is worth is with around a dozen breaking changes, so I might just leave this branch as-is for now. I've based the commits on the various major bugs I solved.

angrave commented 1 month ago

@harsh183 Aside: I have a Demo / presentation tomorrow (and I'll be using ct-dev); so I won't merge any PRs tonight or tomorrow morning.