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Learning and accessibility benefits of ClassTranscribe #91

Open angrave opened 4 years ago

angrave commented 4 years ago

It would be nice to have these on the website. As part of the About.... e.g. "Learning and Accessibility..." under the top right? I suggest it is a list where if you click on the subtitle you see the description and discussion. Of course this list must be accessible :-)

These are in triples: Short feature|Description|Discussion|

The learning and accessibility benefits of ClassTranscribe

Time-accurate shareable moments Students and instructors can share and discuss specific time of a specific video, in emails and external course forums Other systems expect a course to use the video discussion forum, or make it hard to share a link.

Resume watching Use learning time efficiently, not just restart from beginning Continue watching even between devices, so that students can maximize their attention and use of their time.

Analytics for students Summary statistics inform each student about their actual learning habits Students can check their actual learning strategies against their beliefs.

Per student learning and engagement analytics Instructors can see check how engaged each student is with the content Other systems generate video-based reports not learning and engagement analytics

Detailed per-student clickstream data Research how students use video systems to learn. Data joinable with gradebook Other systems do not provide detailed student data

Automated Translations International non-native-speaking students can overcome language barriers Other systems do not provide alternative languages

Instructor caption editing With a single click instructor can quickly fix caption errors inplace Other systems require tedious download/upload vtt file and training or third-party tool

Crowdsourced caption editing Students in the class can fix caption errors (not just wait for instructor) Captions in multiple languages can be improved in all courses.

Downloadable captions Students can download captions and transcriptions ClassTranscribe students can download captions in multiple languages.

Multiple playback streams Lecture room capture, signing, secondary technical viewpoints

ADD/ADHD & Cognitive support Configurable, low-distraction, guided intuitive interface ClassTranscribe minimizes distractions, provides a customizable interface (e.g. transcriptions can be hidden; multiple video streams can be placed) and uses dynamic user experience to focus attention

First class mobile and tablet interface Students on the go need learning features available on all their multiple devices Today's students want to watch and learn using multiple form factors and need a learning-centered interface on all of their devices.

Motor disabilities (e.g. full keyboard) support Provide full accessibility support and efficient shortcuts for power users Other systems often do not provide full access to all accessibility features using a keyboard only interface

Blind and Low-vision support Interface uses non-thin fonts and high contrast colors. Audio description channel Other systems do not support Audio Descriptions for blind users!

Deaf and Hearing impaired support Captions and transcriptions. Caption rendering and display is configurable. Other systems provide limited caption options.

ePub digital book generation Using automated scene detection instructors can create digital books from long videos Instructors and accesibility specialists can quickly provide equitable content in multiple formats and mediums.

Automatic live mirroring of external playlists New content from upstream sources available without instructor intervention ClassTranscribe will automatically detect new content added to other video platforms and storage systems (e.g. Box, Kaltura, Youtube,echo360), download new additions, caption and translate and prepare them for accessible viewing. Other systems can only schedule lecture room-recordings.

Intelligent search To find right video moment students can use rapid text search across course videos Others may have some basic support for searching or highlighting within the current video.

Quantitative evaluation of positive learning outcomes Peer-reviewed statistically significant exam improvements for students at high and low competency levels See for example, "Who Benefits?..." SIGCSE 2020.

angrave commented 4 years ago

Suggest this list is maintained as yaml / json array - so that we can re-use it in multiple components.

e.g, occasional "ad" type notification bar- ClassTranscribe Supports Automatic live mirroring of external playlists. [more]