claudefox / ActiveVFP

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Error 1202 Program is too large #2

Open tachyx opened 5 years ago

tachyx commented 5 years ago

I'm just cross-posting this here from the old CodePlex forum because it doesn't seem to be included with the project files here.

If you get error 1202 Program is too large, you are running into the default 128k memory limit of VFP MTDLL's.

Create a CONFIG.FPW file and rebuilt the ActiveVFP project from the source code in VFP 9.0.

The config.fpw needs to contain the following lines: ALLOWEXTERNAL=ON PROGCACHE=0

ALLOWEXTERNAL=ON allows you to add a CONFIG.FPW file in your site folder so you can make other changes to the configuration without having to rebuild ActiveVFP.

PROGCACHE=0 allows dynamic memory allocation, as opposed to the 128k default memory limit. This line can be either in the CONFIG.FPW file in either ActiveVFP project build folder or in your site's folder.

COMMAND and _STARTUP do not work in external CONFIG.FPW.