claudegel / sinope-130

Neviweb130 custom component for Home Assistant to manage devices connected via a GT130 and wifi devices from Sinopé
GNU General Public License v3.0
63 stars 13 forks source link

PyNeviwebError is not defined #192

Closed visto9259 closed 8 months ago

visto9259 commented 8 months ago

In at line 315, there is a call to PyNeviwebError.

This should be a call to PyNeviweb130Error. I guess this must be a test case that never occured in the past.

Pylint picked that one up in my VS Code dev install.

claudegel commented 8 months ago

Hi thank you for reporting this. It was only for those who have two GT130 in Neviweb so not too frequent It will appear in 2.4.8