claudegel / sinope-zha

This is a custom quirks for sinope zigbee devices for testing before it is added to zha-device-handlers. It also explain how to setup those quirks in Home Assistant to use and test them before they are merged in zha-device-handlers
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TH1300ZB current_load cluster: 0xff01 - 0x0070 #18

Closed frangigu closed 7 months ago

frangigu commented 8 months ago

Hi Claude,

I see an issue with my floor Thermostat TH1300ZB. The current load showing in device attribute is always set to the "connected_load" value no matter what level it is heating.

If I look in HA I always see 528W which is my max even if the Thermostat has 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 lines. When it turns off after hitting setpoint it goes back to 0.

I have been using your quirks since end of 2022, last winter everything was fine and I could see the proper level showing. I haven't put it back in the Sinope Neviweb environment since then, so my firmware has not been updated since I moved to HA.

Could it be one of the multiple changes you have made in since last winter ?

claudegel commented 8 months ago

Hi on the thermostat the 5 horizontal bar are related to pi_heating_demand which is expressed in % . Not sure to understand does your thermostat is in zha-sinopé or neviweb130. Where do you see current load in device attribute ?

claudegel commented 8 months ago

In ZHA energy is expressed as «va» whitch is equivalent to «w» or KVA = KW but I don't see where it is directly expressed as 528W It is the Electricalmeasurementapparentpower and that value change as the heating demand increase and it is expressed as for example 312 VA which is equivalent to 312 W Can you show me screen capture VA

frangigu commented 8 months ago

As you can see, the power which should variate is alway at max 528w while my thermostat shows 2 horizontal bar... Should be about 40% of 528

claudegel commented 8 months ago

Sorry there is no picture

claudegel commented 8 months ago

As you can see on the graph the orange color under the curve is the heating . when the setpoint is raised, the orange fill all the space under the line which is when you have 5 bars on the thermostat. then as temperature increase and is close to the desired temperature, the thermostats will start to pulse the heating from 0 to 100%. this is the vertical orange line on the graph. In the first part, the VA measured if it last for an hour is equal to the connected load in kwh. but as the thermostat start to pulse then the energy is lest then the connected load. but to see the level you need to multiply the connected load by the pi heating demand in %


frangigu commented 8 months ago

Heres is an exemple for a TH1124ZB : image image *See "Power" sensor, it gives real time consumption in watts. This thermostat has a load of 3900w as per Thermostat reading even in real life it is about 3750w

This is what happens on my TH1300ZB Floor : image image 38% of 504 does not equals 504 Sensor Power always reports 100% consumption, but it is not true

I initially reported 528w but a close of breaker for testing now make it show 504w but same behaviors

frangigu commented 8 months ago

Only floor thermostat seems to be affected

claudegel commented 8 months ago

I see. I've check on TH1123ZB and it is reporting correctly. My TH1300zb show the same as you but I have only the apparent power the other power is not there. What is the sensor name when you clic on power. VA2

frangigu commented 8 months ago

It is sensor.thermostat_plancher_salle_de_bain_active_power

This is strange because last year it worked perfectly as I put it into many templates to monitor real time household usage

claudegel commented 8 months ago

The sensor are created by ZHA so maybe it is in ZHA that they pick a different cluster/attribute. to get the value you need, you can take (sensor.thermostat_plancher_salle_de_bain_active_power / 100) * pi heating demand. Do you have zha toolkit installed ? with that it is possible to view all cluster attributes of your thermostats with a single service Normally ZHA is creating sensor from cluster/attribute that are doing reporting. by comparing both thermostat cluster it will be possible to find out what is different and how to change it. Like what I did for the light temperature that was reported as 0.3 instead of 30 oC

claudegel commented 8 months ago

On my TH1123ZB-G2 it work perfectly. the power increase as the pi heating demand increase

claudegel commented 8 months ago

Install zha toolkit via HACS and run that service

service: zha_toolkit.scan_device
  ieee: 50:0b:91:40:00:03:ed:b0 <-- ieee of your thermostat
  endpoint: 1
  event_success: my_read_success_trigger_event
  event_fail: my_read_fail_trigger_event
  event_done: my_read_done_trigger_event

This will create a file in config/scans. scan your TH1124ZB and your TH1300ZB so I'll be able to compare cluster and find where ZHA take the value for power and apparent power

frangigu commented 8 months ago

Here are the scans TH1124ZB_Sinope-Technologies_4000025d0a_01_scan_results.txt TH1300ZB_Sinope-Technologies_4000021327_01_scan_results.txt

claudegel commented 8 months ago

Thank you I've received your two files. Strangely TH1300ZB do not show the cluster attribute for 0xff01 which is the manufacturer cluster for the thermostat. TH1124ZB is ok and show the cluster. This is normally due to Sinopé that didn't activate teh view for that cluster and this don't mean that it is not there. I have many dimmer with the same problem. I'll check how to read the attributes that we need and come back to you soon.

frangigu commented 8 months ago

Ok, thanks but I am not sure I understand, it seems like the cluster is there and readable image

claudegel commented 8 months ago

Yes but the command scan_device is not able to read it so we will revert to reading attribute one by one like this

service: zha_toolkit.attr_read
  ieee: 50:0b:91:40:00:01:f1:e7   <---ieee of your TH1300ZB
  endpoint: 1
  cluster: 0xff01
  attribute: 0x0070
  event_success: my_read_success_trigger_event
  event_fail: my_read_fail_trigger_event
  event_done: my_read_done_trigger_event

try attribute 0x0070, 0x0119

But you can also use the method via zha as you did above

claudegel commented 8 months ago

can you tell me what is teh value for cluster 0xff01 attribute 0x0001


frangigu commented 8 months ago

zha_toolkit in txt files 0xff01 0x0070.txt 0xff01 0x0119.txt 0xff01 0x0001.txt image image

I cannot see 0x0001 attribute in 0xff01 cluster from the UI/zha

claudegel commented 8 months ago

Check this way

service: zha_toolkit.attr_read
  ieee: 50:0b:91:40:00:02:13:27
  endpoint: 1
  cluster: 0xff01
  attribute: 0x0001
  event_success: my_read_success_trigger_event
  event_fail: my_read_fail_trigger_event
  event_done: my_read_done_trigger_event

On the same page you will see many lines. Check the last three:

    Result: {257: <Status.UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE: 134>} - Attribute 257 not in
    read ({}, {257: <Status.UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE: 134>})
success: false

The attribute is not there

- "1": 0
  - {}
success: true

The attribute is there with value 0

frangigu commented 8 months ago

Yes, I saw it in zha toolkit attr read, but just couldn't find from UI

This is why I included txt files with returned results

claudegel commented 8 months ago

Ok got them. For attribute 0x0070 I think it is apparent power for your Th1300ZB. In zha for this thermostat if you click on the apparent power line you should see the values history. Is it only 0 or 504 or you have a variation ?

frangigu commented 8 months ago

Apparent power is in cluster 0x0b04 and is always 504 event when off, it is the equivalent of connected load

As for current load which is actually 0x0070 it is 0 or 504 no variation even at minimal heat

claudegel commented 8 months ago

Both attributes are the same. Sinopé use it's own and the thermostat write the value in 0x0070 and in cluster 0x0b04 We need to find out why your thermostat report only 0 or 504. maybe a defective thermostat. How old is it ?

frangigu commented 8 months ago

About two years I think

frangigu commented 8 months ago

How is your reporting? Do you see variation or not?

claudegel commented 8 months ago

In the scan of your TH1300 I see cluster 0x0b04 attr 0x050f apparent power which is at 504 But there is also the attribute 0x050b active power which is at 0 On my TH1300 0x050b is not there and my reporting is ok. It's on 0x050f I'll check what is the reporting frequency. maybe we can increase it soit report as soon as there is a change on the value.

frangigu commented 8 months ago

I am not sure I understand what you just said, I was wondering if your "active_power" for your floor thermostat was reporting the maximum value or 0 no matter what the level is...

Anyway, since pi_heating_demand seems to be working properly and is in the attributes of thermostat from zha I will change my templates so it used to calculate current load and disable sensors that are not reporting correct values.

I was previously calculating the percentage using active_power/active_power_max*100, really seems like a breaking change in ZHA

I also don't think my device is defective, it seems to work properly on every aspect except the current_load/active_power that no longer report the proper value

claudegel commented 7 months ago

I've talked to Sinopé and they told me that floor thermostats have a relay that can be all on or off so there is no intermediate value for active power. the pi heating demand is the frequency that this relay is turned on and off. So to get the active_power we need to multiply active_power_max * pi_heating _demend %

frangigu commented 7 months ago

Thanks, did it for my floor thermostat... just so you know, pi_heating_demand is updated immediately when it starts and then updates every 15 seconds from my observation. So I use this only for floor thermostats