claudeheintz / LXDMXWiFi_Library

Library for ESP8266 implements Art-Net and sACN with example DMX input/output to/from network
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
74 stars 17 forks source link

bool DMXwifiConfig::artnetMode(void) #10

Closed ririfonfon closed 6 years ago

ririfonfon commented 6 years ago

hello claude, i have some problem with esp32-dmx_rdm. I would like to convert my entry dmx to artnet. I do not understand : ligne 138 to LXDMXWIFIConfig.cpp bool DMXwifiConfig::artnetMode(void) { return ( ( _wifi_config->protocol_flags & SACN_MODE ) == 0 ); } i tried to change it on: return ( _wifi_config->protocol_flags & ARTNET_MODE ) ;

but it does not work. still no artnet on the network.

claudeheintz commented 6 years ago

I think you want to modify void DMXwifiConfig::initConfig(void) instead. The config class is designed to hold settings that can be edited over the network using the config utility. If you are allowing your sketch to use the default config, edit initConfig for your preferred settings specifically:

77] _wifi_config->protocol_flags = MULTICAST_MODE | INPUT_TO_NETWORK_MODE;


96] _wifi_config->input_address = IPAddress(10,255,255,255);

Set the appropriate flag bits in _wifi_config->protocol_flags rather than altering the function that returns their meaning.