claudehohl / Stikked

An advanced and beautiful pastebin written in PHP
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Add Authcode to Paste form #13

Closed dweeber closed 12 years ago

dweeber commented 12 years ago

This would allow public pastes to be viewed by anyone (if not private) but would restrict who can paste.

In the paste form, add an additional field (if authcode option = true) that would then compare the authcode to the setting in the config file.

If the paste does not include the authcode when it is required, the user is sent back to the paste form with the error back to the form.

This cuts down on spamming and can be used to restrict pastes to clients, but still leave the system public for public view.

claudehohl commented 12 years ago

That makes things too complicated, sorry. The philosophy of a pastebin is that everyone can paste quick, without any login/signup or other authentication.

I don't think there will be much spam. I'll implement a captcha system in the near future.

dweeber commented 12 years ago

Thanks for taking a look at the suggestion. It's not really an issue of spam as much as an issue of liability and unwanted content.

The philosophy is not what I am looking for. There are plenty of public pastebin systems out there now. I need one that is restricted to clients, but able to leave the ability of the content to be public. Using a htpasswd defeats the public part.

Not really looking for a login, just an authcode with is required to paste.

In any case, I've already gone and implemented it once I figured out how the CodeIgniter stuff worked as I had not looked at that before. Still need to clean things up a tad, and get the static authcode into the config file, but I'll figure it out.

I have a URL shortner that I added the authccode concept to as well. Needed one that used my own domain so clients knew it was not a spam link, but needed to prevent unauthorized users from using it as well. I have a number of clients that now have the same for their own domains was a popular concept.

BTW... Spammers get past Captcha systems all the time. See forums full of spam that use them all the time.