clauderic / dnd-kit

The modern, lightweight, performant, accessible and extensible drag & drop toolkit for React.
MIT License
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dragging animation or collusion-detection issue #1383

Open Jeluxe opened 5 months ago

Jeluxe commented 5 months ago

so I have an array of items that are displayed horizontally and I'm using the useSortable hook, and everything works well, but the issue starts when the height of the dragged item is smaller than the items next to it, the items do not move when I'm dragging over them, but the drop itself still works, just there is not animation. now when I tried to make the items all with the same height there was no issue at all, but what can I do about it? I think that it has to do something with the collisionDetection prop, but if anyone has a solution please share it. also, I noticed that when I try to drag item over item with more height than itself, then it targets it children instead therefore the drag animation not working.