clauderic / dnd-kit

The modern, lightweight, performant, accessible and extensible drag & drop toolkit for React.
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Incorrect DragOverlay position when scrolled down (Ionic Framework) #548

Open rabianr opened 2 years ago

rabianr commented 2 years ago

Example: preview

Is this because the scroll container is inside shadow dom?

kulbon commented 2 years ago
 + 1
flashtheman commented 2 years ago
jaredshaunsmith commented 2 years ago


adrien-kouyate commented 2 years ago


KatFishSnake commented 2 years ago


omril1 commented 2 years ago

Workaround to use onActivation/activatorEvent to sample the scrollTop and offset the translate Y coordinates

SantosAntero commented 2 years ago

@omril1 Have you implemented the workaround? :grin:

omril1 commented 2 years ago

@omril1 Have you implemented the workaround? 😁

@SantosAntero Implemented it only in user-land-code inside a callback passed to onActivation that keep track of the initial scrollTop and adds it as an offset to translate. Also It might be a little different in the new release.

pmioduszewski commented 1 year ago
