clauderic / dnd-kit

The modern, lightweight, performant, accessible and extensible drag & drop toolkit for React.
MIT License
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Playground and Stories issues for new developer #677

Open ghost opened 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

Hello, just getting started working with this repo, so here are my notes on what went wrong for a new developer.

Here are versions of my tools:

node v14.17.3
yarn 1.12.10
npm 6.14.13
Linux 5.4.184-1-MANJARO


When I cloned your repo (dbf95b8d) and ran yarn, lerna and yarn start:playground.

Server running at http://localhost:1234 
🚨  /a/github/dnd-kit/playground/node_modules/parcel/src/builtins/css-loader.js: Invalid Version: undefined

When I looked it up everyone said to revert to parcel-bundler@1.12.3 but I only saw a dependency for parcel@^1.12.3 in the playground's package file, so I set that to parcel@1.12.3, removed the existing playground node_modules and yarn.lock files and ran yarn start:playground again.


When editing stories/3 - Examples/Tree/SortableTree.tsx in VS Code 1.65.2...

This syntax requires an imported helper named '__spreadArray' which does not exist in 'tslib'.
Consider upgrading your version of 'tslib'.ts(2343)
  "compilerOptions": {
    "strict": true,
    "target": "es6",
  "include": ["**/*.ts"]
xiaohp commented 1 year ago

playground run error + 1

yarn start:playground

/dnd-kit/playground/node_modules/parcel/src/builtins/css-loader.js: Invalid Version: undefined

suren-atoyan commented 1 year ago
