clauderic / react-tiny-virtual-list

A tiny but mighty 3kb list virtualization library, with zero dependencies 💪 Supports variable heights/widths, sticky items, scrolling to index, and more!
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enum ALIGNMENT needs exported to pass values to scrollToAlignment prop with TypeScript #68

Open mts opened 6 years ago

mts commented 6 years ago

Hello  🙂

I am using react-tiny-virtual-list in a real-world TypeScript project.

Apparently the type of scrollToAlignment prop has changed from string in v2.1.4 to enum ALIGNMENT in v2.2.0 and scrollToAlignment props which is not available at the moment in TypeScript because enum ALIGNMENT is not exported in index.d.ts

I could only use scrollToAlignment prop with a value of appropriate type namely enum ALIGNMENT as follows:

in some-project > node_modules/react-tiny-virtual-list/types/index.d.ts

export { DIRECTION as ScrollDirection, ALIGNMENT as scrollAlignment } from './constants';

in some-project > some-component


Appreciated if scrollToAlignment is available to use in TypeScript in v2.2.0.

I made the following PR to offer a solution to this issue:

stephenotalora commented 5 years ago

+1 is there anyway this can be prioritize? the only way to currently make this to work with typescript is by declaring an enum that duplicates the existing ALIGNMENT constant. is there anyway this can be exposed?

stephenotalora commented 5 years ago

@clauderic are you the maintainer of this repo? there's already a PR for this is there any way this can be merged and released to npm?

stephenotalora commented 5 years ago

@mts any reason why was never merged?

mts commented 5 years ago

@stephenotalora No idea. As a workaround, you can fork the repo, apply the changes you need and change your project's dependency for the time being to your fork instead if you like.

stephenotalora commented 5 years ago

thanks @mts, that's what I ended up doing 🙏 too bad the repo seems to have been abandoned...

jigsawye commented 5 years ago

FYI, here is my workaround:

 scrollToAlignment={'auto' as any}