claudiiafg / MapConU

Concordia Campus Navigation App - Indoor and Outdoor directions integrated with Google Calendar
7 stars 2 forks source link

AT-30 #312

Open miche-cho opened 4 years ago

miche-cho commented 4 years ago

MCU-128 - As a user, I want to obtain directions to classes from my Google Calendar

  1. Given I am on the MapConU app
  2. I am able to toggle my google Calendar (need to be logged in through Google Accounts first)
  3. I am able to click on a class I have scheduled
  4. I am able to start route guidance to the selected class
mkshiblu commented 4 years ago

I don't know how to start the route guidance. Can you please clarify? Is there any special format for the location in the Calendar?


achung98 commented 4 years ago

Yes, we forgot to mention it. The title or description should include the room number (floor h8, h9, mb1) in the following format (no address needed):


We can also specify a address without a description, and it will give the directions to it.


Error message (wrong format or no address):


mkshiblu commented 4 years ago

ACCEPTED. Thanks for the clarification. Well done!