claudioc / jingo

Node.js based Wiki
MIT License
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[Resubmit] Adding Page Aliases, Redaction, Local Media and Layout Customization Functionality #244

Closed rj919 closed 5 years ago

rj919 commented 5 years ago

[Resubmitted] Over the past week, I've put together a number of feature upgrades for jingo. An explanation of all the features added along with the documentation for each feature can be found here:

I have added a unittest for the redactor module that I added to the lib folder and I added the additional configuration options to confSpec. -- All tests pass --. I also ran standardjs over the code. Unfortunately, I worked on all these upgrades together, so they do not solve a specific issue and the changes are not narrowly defined to just one feature. For this reason, I chose to include all the additional configuration documentation in the file above rather than into README and I placed comments in the source wherever I made changes or additions which can be found if you search for "// MOD".

As a result, a full merger requires that the configs in be placed into README and the // MOD comments be removed. If you are interested in merging this fork, then I'd be happy to make these changes. Let me know.

claudioc commented 5 years ago

Wow, that's an amazing piece of work! I only had anther occasion where someone put such a big effort in making Jingo better, where this guy just rewrote half of the code in a way that he liked better :D

You added really a lot of features and I am also happy that you created and worked on your branch: open source is exactly about this; take it and adapt it at your liking.

I am (slowly) working on the second version of Jingo (let's say that I am at 70% done so far) and I am not thinking about extending the current version if not for bug fixing, though (testing again everything, with your new features, would be quite an important task). I really hope this would not be a problem for you and I promise that will use some of your idea (and code) in the new version. In that case, you'll be for sure mentioned as part of the Authors of the project :)

Thank you VERY much!

rj919 commented 5 years ago

No problem. I figured that most of the mindshare for the past year has been focused on v2, so feel free to add anything that I've done to it if it makes sense. I started the process in order to provide redaction of non-public information for my use case, but found it helpful to add things like redirects/aliases and a local media file so that I could run jingo without having to clone/fork the project and thus update my version as you made edits and revisions.

Thanks for working on this project. It's nice to have a GIT based alternative to mediaWiki that I can open up and code in node.

PS. I'm going to close this pull request because in the past week, I found and fixed a bug associated with how my changes to the page layout customization works and I added the ability to import local css and js assets on page rendering. So, I'm posting a separate consolidated pull request.