clausreinke / typescript-tools

(repo no longer active) Tools related to the TypeScript language
Apache License 2.0
266 stars 29 forks source link

Not in npm registry? #16

Closed seanhess closed 11 years ago

seanhess commented 11 years ago

Is there a reason why not? Do you need help to add it? Great work!

clausreinke commented 11 years ago

Sigh, yet another login/password I won't be able to remember;-) Perhaps convince Isaac to support login via github? Thanks for the positive feedback, though:-)

Every time I think my code is stable enough for publishing, in comes another bug report. In the beginning, these were easy to find, now I often have to chase whether it is in my code or in the wildly undocumented TS sources.

So it might be some time before I publish in the registry. In the meantime, we do have a package.json, and I've just started to add build numbers to the package version field. So you should be able to install from github, via npm, right? Once I've found the reason for #15, I'll probably tag v0.2.1, so you'll even be able to install from the tags again (there have been lots of fixes since v0.2.0, so that is out of date).

seanhess commented 11 years ago

Haha, just use the same username/password for everything, Claus. It's kind of post-modern. You know it is a horrible security practice but you do it anyway. 

I wouldn't be so hard on yourself. If it is useful, I say it belongs on npm. You don't have to wait for 1.0. I suppose you could install from a git URL, but I've never done that for a global command line tool. Your instructions did work though, so I suppose its ok. 

Keep up the good work! 


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On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 2:42 AM, Claus Reinke wrote:

Sigh, yet another login/password I won't be able to remember;-) Perhaps convince Isaac to support login via github? Thanks for the positive feedback, though:-) Every time I think my code is stable enough for publishing, in comes another bug report. In the beginning, these were easy to find, now I often have to chase whether it is in my code or in the wildly undocumented TS sources.

So it might be some time before I publish in the registry. In the meantime, we do have a package.json, and I've just started to add build numbers to the package version field. So you should be able to install from github, via npm, right? Once I've found the reason for #15, I'll probably tag v0.2.1, so you'll even be able to install from the tags again (there have been lots of fixes since v0.2.0, so that is out of date).

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clausreinke commented 11 years ago

now we have a version in the npm registry: