clausreinke / typescript-tools

(repo no longer active) Tools related to the TypeScript language
Apache License 2.0
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Vim: Showing the file structure in another window #48

Closed danihodovic closed 9 years ago

danihodovic commented 9 years ago

I was wondering if something similar to the TagList plugin could be implemented. I know that the functionality is already there using :TSSstructure.

Instead of the navigation menu the list could be shown in a new window to the left/right. Since you already have the types and parameters they could be shown too (something that TagList doesn't do).


clausreinke commented 9 years ago

The idea of plugins is to reuse and compose them, not to reimplement functionality. It would be great to integrate information from typescript-tools with gui from a popular source browsing tool like taglist or tagbar. That integration should happen in a .vimrc, although I'd be happy to link to a blog post or such detailing a solution.

TSSstructure is gone, replaced by TSSnavigation - the underlying navigationBarItems command in tss should provide all the information you need. Sadly, plugins like taglist insist on getting their info from ctags (I think; also haven't checked tagbar extension mechanism yet).

If you find a source browsing plugin like taglist or tagbar that can be extended in VimScript, please add that info here. I might then look into integration myself, if the browing gui is useful enough.

clausreinke commented 9 years ago

Cursory inspection shows that both tagbar and taglist insist on calling external ctag-like programs:-(

danihodovic commented 9 years ago


clausreinke commented 9 years ago

to be continued in clausreinke/typescript-tools.vim#1