clauswilke / colorblindr

An R package to simulate colorblindness on R figures.
MIT License
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Just checking - no continuous functionality? #16

Open jzadra opened 4 years ago

jzadra commented 4 years ago

I juist wanted to confirm that this package doesn't support continuous scales? I'm not missing anything?

dnkent commented 3 years ago

@jzadra, ran across this question while looking for an option to produce more than 8 colors. In my case, I ended up putting together this hacky fix for creating a lengthier palette based on the colorblindr defaults. Once the palette is generated, then it can be inserted into ggplot with scale_fill_manual(values = colorblindr_cont).

When my monitor is set to grayscale it seems to generally maintain the desired colorblindr differentiation. Maybe this will work for your needs or be easily adjusted if not?


gen_palette <- function(data, var){
  n_colors <- length(unique(data[, var])) # number of unique values for var
  color_pal <- c(
    "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442",
    "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7", "#000000"
  custom_colors <- colorRampPalette(color_pal)(n_colors)

colorblinr_cont <- gen_palette(data = dataset, var = "varname")
jzadra commented 3 years ago
