claviclaws / org-mac-protocol

A suite of AppleScripts and elisp to allow annotation of Emacs org-mode files from other OS X applications
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Suggestion for documentation improvement #2

Open rpgoldman opened 13 years ago

rpgoldman commented 13 years ago

If you are a novice Mac user (like me --- I changed over from Linux), getting this stuff to work may be a little obscure, especially if you are on 10.6+.

The new process for getting access to the script menu is somewhat convoluted: you need to fire up the script editor, and drill into its preferences.

Quicksilver does not invoke applescripts in its default settings; you need to enable this specifically.

If you were to add notes to this effect to the manual, it might help beginners like me.


rpgoldman commented 13 years ago

Here's another question: is it necessary to copy the applescripts to ~/Library/Scripts, or is it possible to simply link them there? If one is going to modify them, then it seems like linking is superior to copying, since the linked stuff will be in your git repo....

TheBigBear commented 13 years ago

rpgoldman: did you get this working under 10.6+? I (like you) am new to Mac OS X and I can't figure out how to "use" or "call-up" one of the 4 applescripts. The "usage" section could really do with a few more details on how to setup at least one of the three mentioned options. (Script Menu / Quicksilver / Fastscripts) I am lurking on freenode as BigBear in the '#org-mode' '#emacs' and '##mac' channels and am hoping to get answers to these simple questons, so I can start using org-mode from the org-mac-protocol supported apps.