clawoflight / aursec

Blockchain-based security layer for the AUR
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The aursec-init process is taking a long time #28

Open netlexer opened 6 years ago

netlexer commented 6 years ago

I'm just curious, how long does the aursec-init process take? It's been over six hours already, on a HP core i5 laptop.

Lifree commented 6 years ago

Hi netlexer, the init process should take less than an half an hour... are you connected to the internet to find other nodes? What was the last output of the script?

netlexer commented 6 years ago

I started it up like this:

$ sudo aursec-init
Generate DAG: 100%
Wait for synchronisation

and it's remained like this. I'm definitely connected to the internet.

netlexer commented 6 years ago

OK I killed the process, removed /var/aursec and started up aursec-init with the --verbose flag. It's currently printing 'Getting current block' in a loop.

Lifree commented 6 years ago

As i thought ... it cant connect to our network... i will try to reproduce your problem

netlexer commented 6 years ago

Thanks. Let me know if there's anything I can do here.

Lifree commented 6 years ago

We have found the problem (our bootnode is overloaded) and work on a fix.

clawoflight commented 6 years ago

The bootnode being the server that initiates the p2p connections. Without it, users can't find each other.

clawoflight commented 6 years ago

@netlexer Peer discovery should work again, can you confirm?

netlexer commented 6 years ago

Well it's been running for only about 10 minutes, so this may be premature... it's still waiting for synchronisation and printing 'Getting current block' (about 40 times so far). However, there is an established connection made by geth, which wasn't there before:

$ sudo netstat -tuapw|grep geth                                                                                       [ 8:28am]
tcp        0      0 localhost.localdom:8105*               LISTEN      18761/geth          
tcp        0      0 kore:33776        ESTABLISHED 18761/geth          
tcp6       0      0 [::]:30200              [::]:*                  LISTEN      18761/geth          
udp6       0      0 [::]:30200              [::]:*                              18761/geth    

This was from starting aursec-init -v again.

clawoflight commented 6 years ago

It does take a while, just not 6 hours :)

netlexer commented 6 years ago

It's still running I'm afraid. I've created a paste from the journal output (about 60 lines). It's at - lines 1 and 3 - "couldn't add port mapping" - not sure why my router couldn't add this, but I added the port 30200 forwarding manually... it didn't make a difference.

netlexer commented 6 years ago

I'm curious, how many participants are there in this project? Also, is there a way of determining how many package hashes have actually been stored on the blockchain? I'm interested in this, but have found virtually no references to it in the forums or on the wiki. Thanks.

clawoflight commented 6 years ago

Have you tried restarting it? We confirmed that it works in vagrant, so it should work for you, as well.

This was @Lifree and my Bachelor's thesis. We are not sure how many users we have because downloads are not a very useful metric, and ethereum wallet addresses change whenever someone re-inits. We know there's more than us, but probably not very many.

We ship aursec-tui, which allows inspecting hash submissions to the blockchain, and obviously you can fetch the submission count for a package id + hash combination. We don't have aggregated metrics, but a total submission counter would be useful and fairly straightforward to implement, I'll open an issue for that :)

We announced this on aur-general, but didn't get much response. We are not active on the forums - I spend most of my time in the MLs or IRC.