clawpack / amrclaw

AMR version of Clawpack
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
26 stars 45 forks source link

Timer Initialization in 1D is a Mess #270

Open mandli opened 3 years ago

mandli commented 3 years ago

The function that currently resides in sts1.f looks like

      subroutine initTimers()

      use amr_module
      !implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)

      timeBufnst         = 0
      timeStepgrid       = 0
      timeStepgridCPU    = 0.d0
      timeBound          = 0
      timeBoundCPU       = 0.d0
      timeGrdfitAll      = 0
      timeFlagger        = 0
      timeFlglvl         = 0
      timeFlglvlTot      = 0
      timeGrdfit2        = 0
      timeRegridding     = 0
      timeRegriddingCPU  = 0.d0
      timeTick           = 0
      timeTickCPU        = 0.d0
      timeSetaux         = 0.d0
      timeSetauxCPU      = 0.d0
      timeUpdating       = 0
      timeValout         = 0
      timeValoutCPU      = 0.d0


where these variables are defined in amr_module.f90 as

integer :: timeRegridding, timeUpdating, timeValout
integer :: timeFlglvl,timeGrdfit2,timeGrdfit3,timeGrdfitAll
integer :: timeSetaux,timeFilval,timeBound,timeStepgrid,timeFilvalTot
integer :: timeFlagger, timeBufnst, timeTick, tick_clock_start
real(kind=8) tvollCPU(maxlv), timeTickCPU
real(kind=8) timeBoundCPU,timeStepgridCPU,timeSetauxCPU,timeRegriddingCPU
real(kind=8) timeValoutCPU

The problematic variables are