claws / BH1750

An Arduino library for the digital light sensor breakout boards containing the BH1750FVI IC
MIT License
248 stars 107 forks source link

add this library to Arduino Library Manager #55

Closed iZhangHui closed 4 years ago

iZhangHui commented 5 years ago

Hi claws, could you add this library to Arduino Library Manager, then users can install and update this library easily. Thank you!

gilmaimon commented 5 years ago

And may I add, after you do that, consider adding a badge from ArduBadge to notify users that your library is available on the Library Manager =)

bjarnebuchmann commented 4 years ago

I would also love that this library went into the standard Arduino Library Manager. It is convenient not only for initial install, but also to signal that updates are available. In any case, thanks for a good library. /Bjarne

claws commented 4 years ago

I'm happy to receive pull requests if you would like to propose a change that achieves this? With so many other things on the go it's hard for me to find the time.

Onno-Dirkzwager commented 4 years ago

@claws are you still interested? I would like to help!

claws commented 4 years ago

Yes, still interested.

Onno-Dirkzwager commented 4 years ago

I hope to make a pull request this week. And I will send you some instructions for the final steps.

Onno-Dirkzwager commented 4 years ago

Hi @claws,

Description As you saw in the PR I changed some info to be more descriptive. If you search for "BH1750" in the Library Manager you will currently find 3 other libraries.

If people have to choose a library they tend to first try the more "complete" looking description first.

I read into all of them and as far as I can see yours stands out for supporting more architectures. So I put this in the description. Feel free to change....

Library name If you have ever considerd changing the name, this is the time, once released as a library it can be a annoying process. If you do, make it stick out from the others that all have more or less the same name.

ArduBadge Added as @gilmaimon suggested. You might want to change the location...

Github release Before informing the Arduino team about your library you will need to make an Github release. Following is based on personal experience and the Arduino FAQ

  1. click releases
  2. click Draft a new release
  3. Add your tag 1.1.4 (for now & future releases it's important that the tag reflects the version in your library files (.json & .properties) if it does not match Arduino will not accept it!)
  4. Title & Description is up to you. They do not effect your library name! Check other libraries for inspiration.
  5. This is not a pre-release. Might come in handy for future updates. But from my personal experience the end user does not really understand.....
  6. click Publish release

Informing Arduino Open an issue on Arduino's GitHub (first release only!), specifying the URL of the repository from where to download your library.

Arduino has a job that runs every hour. If a new library has been released, you can expect it to be listed within the hour, but it might take longer.

Arduino "scans" your Github releases (tags) and if all is well adds them to the library manager.

Ill help you with the first release! So if it fails let me know! Further I would suggest reading the FAQ as suggested by @iZhangHui

Future updates

  1. Update libary json and properties version nr
  2. Draft a new release with the new version nr as tag
  3. click Publish
  4. Wait +/- 60 min for it to appear in the Arduino library manager

Good luck!

Onno-Dirkzwager commented 4 years ago

@claws I saw you did some things in preparation. And then it seemed to stop. All ok? Anything I can do?

claws commented 4 years ago

Yeah, sorry. Just busy with work stuff and then exhausted. I'll get to it soon.

Onno-Dirkzwager commented 4 years ago

No problem, good reason!

claws commented 4 years ago

I have created the release and raised the PR to get the package added to the Arduino Library Manager list.

Onno-Dirkzwager commented 4 years ago

Congratulations @claws, your first library is now available in the Arduino Library Manager! Btw. If you are on Twitter @arduinolibs will be sharing your library somewhere in the next few hours.

@iZhangHui @gilmaimon @bjarnebuchmann

claws commented 4 years ago

@Onno-Dirkzwager Thanks for your help.